Wednesday, February 28, 2007
We are also celebrating the news that Lead On (Now called Leeta) has been adopted! I had a feeling that anyone who fostered her would be signing adoption papers quickly. That was part of the reason I was anxious to get her out of here :>)
Tomorrow is my dogs Tigger's 14th is also my Aussie girl Izzy's 13th. There will be a senior dog party going on here tomorrow. Today I am busy making dog treats and toys for the pups and food for the people. My friend the photographer is coming out to get some nice shots of the seniors. It should be a fun time to celebrate the old guys.
P.S. If anyone wants to come and surprise is 1 place.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Thank you Irene & Amber for spear heading this Contest - creating fun and enjoyment with our greyhounds and family taking these photos!
A Greyt big Thank You,
Sunday, February 18, 2007
I got word from Lance's home. Here is a quote from her note...
"HE LOVES THE SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He and I run and run and run, then I stop and watch him RUN AND RUN AND RUN in the snow. He is just super fast on three legs.
We are going on a trip tomorrow to see my sister! She has a half Whippet half Greyhound dog they got from the pound years ago. So she is excited to see if Lance can run as fast as Trigger. They have lots of land and great fields for running.
Lance loves the car so hopefully we are great for a 20 hour car ride!!!
Again, I love Lance and He is amazing. He went with me to get my pay check today and just loved all the people and ran around. So he goes to work with me some days! How great is that.
I Have to thank you so much for the gift you have given me. I love him and I would not be complete without him. I could not imagine my life without Lance!"
Sunday, February 11, 2007

Funny story, or at least I thought it was funny. When Judy and I were taking pictures of the new dogs. We had finished with Chopin and she was swapping Chopin for Baghira who was in a paddock. One of the dogs in the paddock jumped up on the fence and splashed two paws full of dark spring mud on Judy's face. Hoo hoo hoo you should have seen her grimace!!! If I hadn't been busy trying not to fall down laughing I should have gotten a picture. Dogs sure are glamours. Speaking of "glam", in case anyone is interested. Monday and Tuesday is the Westminster Dog Show in New York. It will air on USA channel. Oh and tonight is the AKC Agility Invitational on Animal Planet....My Australian Shepherd girl, Sage has a brother who will be running. I don't know if they will show him or not but he is there. Their mother was in the shelter ready to have her pups and I thought if the pups were going to have a chance they needed to be born somewhere other than a shelter. So I brought this sweet Aussie girl home to raise her pups then had them all altered and placed into great homes. Watch for Heather and her dog Forrest, registered name is Moldy Bred...which is another story.
Saturday, February 10, 2007

Thursday, February 8, 2007
The paddocks are mud holes again. Not only from the thaw but it has been raining and foggy. YUCK! I let the dogs out to play yesterday and Waldo and Lead On both got baths last night. A minor break through with Chopin, he offered me a little grin today. Lets me know he is settling into the routine and is doing well. I know it was really hard on his family to give him up. It was kind of hard on him too. Once dogs get over the sadness, dogs who were really loved do much better in new homes. I am sure he will fit seamlessly into his next home. Judy reports we are getting another return. We should know more in a few days. It is a black female that was placed near Deer Lodge a couple of years ago.
Monday, February 5, 2007
Fizz is on her way home even as I write this. She and Abby seemed to get along fairly well. Fizz can be a bit of a stinker about her toys so that will have to be watched. Congrats to Cliff and Vicki on not only their twin grandbabies....but now they have nearly twin fawn greyhound girls. I took a couple of pictures of the 4 of them with Vicki's camera but she promised me pictures which I will add as soon as I get them.
The girl with the best smile in the world is Lead On. What a super cool senior girl!!!
It was really warm here which translated to MUDDY. The dogs all got to spend many hours out in the paddocks. They are messy but happy. Chopin seems like he is relaxing and finding the routine here. He is getting lots of exercise which always helps a dog settle in. He is starting to smile more. Chopin (Pan or Panny to his friends) arrived with a sight sore spot in his back. Likely due to a long race career and some age. We are going to get him in for a general wellness check up this week. Since he is a senior we will use some of the money from the Belle toll to help him be at his best. Belle Toll fund in action. While we are talking about that....Judy brought some food out for the foster dogs yesterday. She bought up that now there is a Pay-Pal button on the web site for donations. So making a donation to the Belle Toll just got a little easier. Be sure you ear mark it if you want it to go into the Belle Toll or it will go into the general fund.
Friday, February 2, 2007

One of the gals at the weight pull offered to do a Canine Good Citizen Test. It was a rare opportunity for me to have my own dogs tested so I jumped at the chance. Usually I am the evaluator at these tests. Most of my dogs have CGCs but all were done years ago. I tested all of my dogs except the new kid Tava, I even tested my Aussie foster girl. Everyone passed. I received some nice remarks about my dogs obedience skills. The Evaluator joked that maybe it was too easy for my dogs. Many of my pack have obedience titles of some kind or are in training. The most touching moments were when I decided to try the test with Tigger, my dear 14 year old greyhound girl. I really didn't expect anything from her but I knew she would like a few minutes in the lime light. Her sit and down were a bit slow and shaky but she passed the other skills nicely. The evaluator gave her a passing score and said although she was rusty, Tigger was very willing and showed a desire to please me, which in her opinion was more important. I was very proud of Tigger. About 3 PM I finally came in for some lunch, left over stew shared with my good friend Sally Z. and a small scoop for Dusk.
Waldo did get to go on an adventure today. Irene and Amber picked him up on their way into Missoula and dropped him off with Judy. Waldo accompanied Judy on the "Greyhound Walking Club" walk. She reported that he was really good and she was pleased at how nicely he settled down in the house. Once she told him what she wanted, Waldo was happy to hop up on the couch and snuggle in for some movie watching. Waldo was passed out in the back seat when Irene and Amber dropped him off. He didn't even raise up when the car stopped. He had a big day!! Waldo at under a year old is often labeled a puppy...which often translated to "headache". But Waldo is proving to be a nice combination of silly, sweet and easy going. To top it off he is cute as hell :o)