Saturday, March 31, 2007
Yikes!!! I almost have an empty nest only one Aussie foster boy here at my house. But never fear there is a remedy for that. Next weekend hopefully others will be heading our way. Reba my busy Aussie foster girl went home today with what seems to be a perfect fit home. I am so happy for her!! I have already heard from her new family and they adore her already. Waldo is making himself at home in the women's prison program. Trish reported that it took a very long time to get him in there because he had to greet everyone and get pats. That big doofus...I can just see him doing goo-goo eyes at everyone. I am looking forward to our first report card on him. Zora's new mom wrote in and said things are going smooth there. Seems Zory has learned how to use the dog door and has made herself right at home. HURRAY!! I am being visited by greyhounds Tony and Caroline for a short time while their family move back to this area. In the meantime I am spending more time with my own crew which is really nice. Hopefully this week I can get caught up on baths and prepare for the new kids heading this way soon.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Well I leave the area for a few days and BOOM....I am left with no foster dogs. Waldo has been sent to the Women's prison in Billings for an exciting program there which will give him an excellent leg up. There is a small fee associated with this program. If anyone would like to be his sponsor.... Waldo will be worked on basic manners, obedience and socialization. Mean while Falcon who was fostered at the Tripps made the trip to Billings to await transport up to his new home in Circle. Last but not least Zora came up from Billings where Bek and Ryan were fostering her. Zora immediately went into the home of an experienced greyhound home here in the Missoula area. Bek reports that Waldo and Falcon think they are having a big sleep over and are happy and relaxed. Judy reports that Zora walked right into her new home and seemed to know immediately she was really home at last. I am so happy for all of the dogs who moved!! A big THANKS to all of those who make it happen.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
I tried to post yesterday but for some reason it the system was on the blink. Yesterday was great...even if I had to be up and on the road way before dawn. The Tracking test went well and the dog who ran my track was successful!!! That made me happy. But the even bigger event was later that day when Baghira met her new home. The dogs sniffed, the people smiled, the dogs trotted off together, the people nodded, the dogs did some play gestures and the people were in love!! Here is wishing that cute little black Baghira a long and happy life with her new family!!! There are some rumblings of more adoptions in the works. Billings walked in the big St. Pats parade this past week end. Reports were that they handed out lots of info and chatted with lots of people. Lets hope some of those seeds they planted grow into full bloom adoptions!!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Goodie....Janelle is on her way to her new home. Rebecca did a great job on this placement. Another bit of good news...Baghira is meeting a potential adopter tomorrow afternoon. Cross you fingers and paws. Now to find forever homes for Zora, Waldo and Falcon.
Things here have been the usual uproar. This week end I am helping lay track at a tracking test. It means I have to drag my butt out of bed pretty early on the week end. But it is fun to see friends and socialize a little. It will be worth it if the dog I lay track for passes it's test. So your next question may be "What is Tracking??" Well Tracking is the dogs ability to follow a scent over a distance. This is what Search and Rescue dogs do. However we are only tracking for fun. Thankfully no lives are at stake. We are searching for "lost" items gloves, wallets, socks, etc. The track-layer and judges gather the day before the test and plan the tracks marking the exact path with flags. The track must be over 440 yards long and have at least 3 corners. The next morning the track layer goes out and walks the route pulling up all but the first 2 flags. I will drop a bandanna at the start flag and I will drop a leather glove at the end of the track for the dog to find. Tonight the bandanna and glove will sleep in my boots to absorb as much of my scent as possible. There is no artificial scent used....just the scent of the person. It really is very fascinating. A couple of my dogs have tracking titles....a couple of others are started. Tracking is great for the dogs confidence and nothing can build a relationship like tracking. You are depending on your dog in a unique way. I have not taught a greyhound to track yet....but I am sure it will happen. Sometimes dogs who you don't expect to be good are really amazing.
Things here have been the usual uproar. This week end I am helping lay track at a tracking test. It means I have to drag my butt out of bed pretty early on the week end. But it is fun to see friends and socialize a little. It will be worth it if the dog I lay track for passes it's test. So your next question may be "What is Tracking??" Well Tracking is the dogs ability to follow a scent over a distance. This is what Search and Rescue dogs do. However we are only tracking for fun. Thankfully no lives are at stake. We are searching for "lost" items gloves, wallets, socks, etc. The track-layer and judges gather the day before the test and plan the tracks marking the exact path with flags. The track must be over 440 yards long and have at least 3 corners. The next morning the track layer goes out and walks the route pulling up all but the first 2 flags. I will drop a bandanna at the start flag and I will drop a leather glove at the end of the track for the dog to find. Tonight the bandanna and glove will sleep in my boots to absorb as much of my scent as possible. There is no artificial scent used....just the scent of the person. It really is very fascinating. A couple of my dogs have tracking titles....a couple of others are started. Tracking is great for the dogs confidence and nothing can build a relationship like tracking. You are depending on your dog in a unique way. I have not taught a greyhound to track yet....but I am sure it will happen. Sometimes dogs who you don't expect to be good are really amazing.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Whew, Baghira is doing much better. I made some changes and making an effort to spend more time with her....just staring into her eyes. Now if I can stare into her eyes and not fall head over heels in love with her, I should earn a medal. Despite Baghira having a hard time I do not consider her a difficult dog at all. In fact I think it is her undemanding behavior that made her problems easy to let slide. Another lesson learned courtesy of the dogs. The squeaky wheel is not always the wheel with the greatest need. Poor kid misses life as a pampered princess.
I haven't forgotten about posting some birthday party pictures. Just haven't taken a moment to scan them in. But to report on the party...What a BLAST!!! There were about a dozen people. It was kind of interesting because most of the obedience folks only knew Izzy and the greyhound folks mainly only knew Tigger. It was split almost equally greyhounds and aussies with a couple of goldens and a sheltie thrown in for good measure. It was fun to get both groups together. First thing we did was get pictures of every dog that attended. Then we ate lunch. With almost 20 dogs milling around I figured we may have to guard our food but that was not the case. They all waited, more or less. I did notice Tigger working the crowd. She would walk up to someone eating and do her moon eyes. The poor unsuspecting person would obediently break off a nibble of whatever they were eating and surrender it to the birthday girl. It was one of the only parties I have been to that you could openly share your lunch with your fact it was expected. As lunch wound down Judy's remarkable liver cake and ice cream cups made the scene. There were happy dogs gobbling cake and slurping ice cream all around the room. Even the sheltie who is a delicate grazer turned into a hoover. There were loot bags of treats and toys for each dog to take home with them. After the party my girls passed out for several hours. Happy, cherished and filled with good food.
I haven't forgotten about posting some birthday party pictures. Just haven't taken a moment to scan them in. But to report on the party...What a BLAST!!! There were about a dozen people. It was kind of interesting because most of the obedience folks only knew Izzy and the greyhound folks mainly only knew Tigger. It was split almost equally greyhounds and aussies with a couple of goldens and a sheltie thrown in for good measure. It was fun to get both groups together. First thing we did was get pictures of every dog that attended. Then we ate lunch. With almost 20 dogs milling around I figured we may have to guard our food but that was not the case. They all waited, more or less. I did notice Tigger working the crowd. She would walk up to someone eating and do her moon eyes. The poor unsuspecting person would obediently break off a nibble of whatever they were eating and surrender it to the birthday girl. It was one of the only parties I have been to that you could openly share your lunch with your fact it was expected. As lunch wound down Judy's remarkable liver cake and ice cream cups made the scene. There were happy dogs gobbling cake and slurping ice cream all around the room. Even the sheltie who is a delicate grazer turned into a hoover. There were loot bags of treats and toys for each dog to take home with them. After the party my girls passed out for several hours. Happy, cherished and filled with good food.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
SIGH...on a normal day I really like fostering greyhounds....this is not one of those days. Baghira is having a hard time transitioning from family life back to kennel life. She is a super sweet dog who has lived with small critters, kids and other dogs. She likes everyone and like to snuggle. She misses the amount of time she spent with the family in her home. HOPEFULLY there is a foster home or a forever home for her SOON!!!!
When one dog starts to stress it heightens the stress on everyone...including me!! I crated Bahira while I worked filling in the hole Baghira had dug under the fence. That took more than an hour. It was a huge hole that required cinder blocks (yes blockS) and several trips to the dirt pile with the wheel barrow. Of course in all fairness Baghira had help digging. Once a hole starts it lures other dogs who may be tempted to join in. Meanwhile Bahira is resting sweetly in her crate...or so I thought!!! Turns out she was stressing out in the crate. She started digging and chewing at the crate. When I went in to let her out I noted a little blood. Further investigation revealed that she has destroyed my crate. She broke the area near the door. Little SHIT!!! The crate will need to be replaced pronto. Now that I have duct taped the crate to some degree I need to get back out there and see if she is okay. I do feel bad for her....poor kid. Baghira is so sweet I hate to see her unhappy. Put your feelers out for a foster home for her. First one to find a solid foster home I will make a coat for your greyhound!! I am desperate for Baghira to be happy again!!
When one dog starts to stress it heightens the stress on everyone...including me!! I crated Bahira while I worked filling in the hole Baghira had dug under the fence. That took more than an hour. It was a huge hole that required cinder blocks (yes blockS) and several trips to the dirt pile with the wheel barrow. Of course in all fairness Baghira had help digging. Once a hole starts it lures other dogs who may be tempted to join in. Meanwhile Bahira is resting sweetly in her crate...or so I thought!!! Turns out she was stressing out in the crate. She started digging and chewing at the crate. When I went in to let her out I noted a little blood. Further investigation revealed that she has destroyed my crate. She broke the area near the door. Little SHIT!!! The crate will need to be replaced pronto. Now that I have duct taped the crate to some degree I need to get back out there and see if she is okay. I do feel bad for her....poor kid. Baghira is so sweet I hate to see her unhappy. Put your feelers out for a foster home for her. First one to find a solid foster home I will make a coat for your greyhound!! I am desperate for Baghira to be happy again!!
Friday, March 9, 2007
Dear Greyhound Friends,
It gives me great pleasure to announce $927.50 was donated towards the Belle Fund!
The Belle Toll is an annual fund raiser in Belle’s name with contributions allotted towards our Foster greyhounds in need.
Contributions are not only welcome during our February campaign but through out the year.
We are a non-profit organization that is supported by you! Without you we could not function in our rescue attempts of these magnificent ex-racers. The moneys received from folks, with out greyhounds, surprised me with their belief in what we are doing and desire to help!
With a grateful heart and much appreciation I thank you for giving!
We do it for the greyhounds and they are so very worthy!
It gives me great pleasure to announce $927.50 was donated towards the Belle Fund!
The Belle Toll is an annual fund raiser in Belle’s name with contributions allotted towards our Foster greyhounds in need.
Contributions are not only welcome during our February campaign but through out the year.
We are a non-profit organization that is supported by you! Without you we could not function in our rescue attempts of these magnificent ex-racers. The moneys received from folks, with out greyhounds, surprised me with their belief in what we are doing and desire to help!
With a grateful heart and much appreciation I thank you for giving!
We do it for the greyhounds and they are so very worthy!
Sunday, March 4, 2007

Chopin is pictured here with his new family. Some of you may remember Bella Diesel who went home last summer. Bella looks great!! The story is that Joe (greyhound dad), can not resist buying Bella new coats. Wife Linda, reports Bella has a better coats than the people in the family and more of them. I wonder how long it will be until Chopin is looking dapper in new duds.
The sun is out and it is warm and wonderful here. The hounds are in waiting their turn out in the paddocks. The wall in the back turn out pen is fixed where cleaver little Baghira turned a little hole into a BIG hole in a matter of minutes. Baghira is a losing her extra weight and becoming more active. She is a very sweet and easy girl. During the end of the birthday bash last week Baghira came out to socialize. She of course got along with everyone. Baghira was thinking Izzy might share her toys and treats and was rewarded with a nip on the nose. Baghira jumped back in surprise but made no offer to just hurt her feelings. I like seeing that in a dog. She is a greyhound that could fit in almost anywhere. Sweet sweet girl and oh so elegant!!!
Friday, March 2, 2007
Mr. Chopin is ready to head for his new home. He had his bath, gathered his stuff and is ready for a early morning pick up by the Tripps who will make the journey with Judy to Bozeman to meet Trish. His new owners are excited to have him home. I can't wait to hear how he settles in. He is a sweet guy!!
Now about that birthday party yesterday. It was a good time!!! We had a dozen or so people and almost 20 dogs. Mainly Greyhounds and Aussies but a couple of goldens and a cute sheltie boy came too. The pictures aren't digital so I h ave to make a run to Costco and get them developed. We took pictures of all the dogs who came, ate lunch and then fed the dogs liver birthday cake and ice cream. We decided to let the dogs roam free in my big training room. I was amazed how well it went. Only one dog got a little overwhelmed and had to retreat to his car. The rest mingled and were really good. I will post pictures when I get them back. Well I have a early morning so I best get my dinner, bath and hit the hay.
Now about that birthday party yesterday. It was a good time!!! We had a dozen or so people and almost 20 dogs. Mainly Greyhounds and Aussies but a couple of goldens and a cute sheltie boy came too. The pictures aren't digital so I h ave to make a run to Costco and get them developed. We took pictures of all the dogs who came, ate lunch and then fed the dogs liver birthday cake and ice cream. We decided to let the dogs roam free in my big training room. I was amazed how well it went. Only one dog got a little overwhelmed and had to retreat to his car. The rest mingled and were really good. I will post pictures when I get them back. Well I have a early morning so I best get my dinner, bath and hit the hay.
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