Chester went home on Friday. When Susan his new owner arrived she met all 4 of the dogs who are available in this area but she only had eyes for Chester!! It was clear Chester only had eyes for her too. I miss the big lug but I am so happy he is home.
Monday was a bittersweet day. As a rescue person you sometimes see things that are happy and heart breaking at the same time. Months ago I was contacted about an Australian Shepherd boy who needed a home. I had declined to take him as some of the statements the owner made about the dog were red flags. Some people try to give an accurate description of the dog and use words that make the dog sound scary. She described him as "an aggressive player". The very word "aggressive" can send some rescue folks running, we all know aggressive dogs are not
placeable dogs. As a result rescue people were turning him away. I turned him down back in Oct. This same dog kept popping up on my radar. I turned him down in Nov., twice in Dec., again Jan., and Feb....every couple of weeks there he would be again....still needing help. Although most of his family loved him the youngest son had a intense love-hate relationship with him. At times they would rough house like best buddies, hence the "aggressive player" label. Other times the boy would direct his anger and frustration at the dog and would hit and kick him. The months slid by and while everyone seemed to feel a sense of urgency about getting the dog out of the home no one was willing to take a chance on him. Last week I finally could take no more and contacted the owner and set up a time to meet them. What I found was a high drive, intelligent, typical Aussie who was very well cared for. It was clear both the mother and 14 year old daughter loved the dog. The 14 year old girl chattered about her dog, telling me story after story about when he came home as a puppy and when they would go to the beach together. Everything was upbeat and happy until I was ready to close the door of the van. The girl leaned down and the
aussie kissed her through the crate door, then the mother did the same. I felt a knot rising in my throat watching this touching goodbye. Then the girl bolted to her truck and hopped in. Moments later I was pulling out...but not before I saw this girl leaned over and being held by her mother while she sobbed. My heart broke for her. I wasn't sure what to do so I got out of sight as quickly as I could then pulled over and took a moment to collect myself. I am happy the dog will get a shot at a decent life, the heartbreak of his young owner was palpable. The Aussie seems like a nice enough fellow, although he is emotionally distant and has displayed some lack of trust and headstrong traits. He and I will have a little work to do to figure out our relationship and he will get a crash course on the house rules. I am confidant in time that there is a wonderful home out there for him. For now he is cooling his heels here and being evaluated.
Upon arriving home there was a desperate email from a gal in TX. There are more and more greyhounds in need. A blood bank is retiring several seniors and there are two track closures which have saturated the adoption groups in the south. In
addition a farm closed and dumped it's 25 dogs to a shelter in Oklahoma. Further overwhelming the already overwhelmed. Please if you are considering adding a greyhound to your family or if you can share your home temporarily with a dog contact your nearest rep
Both Carol and I have agreed to take as many as we can...but with so many greyhounds, things are pretty dire for any dogs left behind. Chose from the dogs available on our web site to foster....or we can find a match for you. DON'T WAIT!! Here is a sampling of the hundreds of dogs waiting....we can't save them all but everyone saved makes a difference!!