At long last a picture of
Intrepid. She is a absolute DOLL. In describing her to Judy I said, "This dog is as close to Belle (of Belle Toll fame) of any dog I have ever met". Intrepid is sweet, curious, pretty and will look you right in the eye. I was quickly falling for this one....so I sent her back to Tripps as soon as they were back home. Thinking of opening your home to a deserving retired mama? Don't wait!! This little honey is really something.
Love in June (AKA Junebug) has a home and is waiting to catch a ride to the Billings area. She will be joining the Wright family in Circle. They already share their home with a pack of wonderful greyhounds...yep they have the disease.
More hounds will arrive this week end. Check out the incoming hounds on the website.
The other big news is that Merlin went home!! Merlin is busy working his magic on his new family and reports are that they think Merlin is close to perfect.