Dima (Dee Dee to her friends) loped over the rainbow bridge Christmas morning. She was one of a trio of dogs we re-rescued in Oct, 2005. That seems like so long ago...but it really was only 3 short years. Dima was lucky enough to land in the home of Jan and Tony and their merry pack. She thrived there and was much loved by her greyhound sister Foxy. This past year brought problems with her kidneys. Her attentive family had gotten it under control and Dima was pain free and doing well until the last few hours. She is greatly missed already. And yes Jan, I am sure Dee Dee can still hear you singing "her songs" to her.
This month we also bid a sad farewell to Gracie who succumbed to seizures just a few

days before Christmas. Gracie leaves a greyhound size hole in the hearts of her family, Mark and Amanda. She was settling into her home about the same time Dima was in the fall of 2005, after being brought up from CO to retire. She charmed the socks off all who knew her and was the easiest dog to love.
I speak for the entire greyhound community when I say our hearts are with yours while you make this adjustment in your lives. May you find love and peace again soon.