Wednesday, February 11, 2009

In my mail yesterday was the Belle Toll donation letter. This is one of the most important pieces of mail you may receive this year. That letter is your chance to share with homeless greyhounds. Please respond to it. I have been so impressed and pleased that Belle's memory lives on. She was such a sweet greyhound girl. Judy and I were talking about Belle and the Belle Toll fund the other day. Belle was the first dog I fostered for this group. Until Belle, Judy and I had run in parallel worlds. We kind of knew who each other were but not really. Belle brought us together in a way nothing else could and we have been closely bonded since that time. Shortly after that I was blessed with the friendship of Tripps, Trish and the rest of our greyhound family. Although Belle came to us for such a short time I always felt that she was on God's errand. Somehow in her brief stay she unified us. Belle's legacy has become the Belle Toll fund and helping other greyhounds in need and it seems helping people too.
Speaking for myself, I would not be complete without my dogs. They are as natural and important to me as my limbs. I can not imagine my life with out them playing a major role. They have not only connected me to friends but they have been my friends. They ground me, excite me, calm me and thrill me all at the very same time. I am in awe of their ability to live in the moment and not cry about the past or worry about the future. I love to watch them learn. I am amazed by their natural abilities and their willingness to help man. They find us when we are lost (both physically and spiritually). They can help feed us thorough hunting or helping with flocks. They protects us and even guide us. Dogs are truly God's kindest gift to us.
So take the time right now to celebrate YOUR greyhound's life, time to reflect on what they add to your life. Then do the impossible and put a price tag on it. Failing that donate what you can to help provide a safe haven for greyhounds in need.

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