I swear dogs are going to be the death of me. This morning I got up feeling like a mule had kicked me in the gut. My husband was relieved to hear it was nothing contagious....chick sick. I drug myself out to the kennel to do turn outs. My dogs were running in and out and I went over and lay/huddle on the couch to watch them. Tava ran by with a small cute piglet toy in her mouth she was really enjoying it and tossing it around. Next thing I knew she swallowed it whole!! I lay there blinking with thoughts of impaction surgery dancing through my mind. Getting up, I think "Hmmm maybe I am wrong...she isn't that stupid." So I go out to the yard, the small piglet toy is not out there. I look around in the training room, the piglet toy is not anywhere. I look at Tava who only looks back at me with her big soft trusting eyes. I think to myself "Idiot!" The next few minutes are spent finding the hydrogen peroxide and my bulb syringe. I then take sweet trusting but stupid Tava in my arms and begin to force the first dose of peroxide down her throat. After 10 minutes dose number one has no reaction. A second dose and another ten minutes produce no piglet. Dose three caused the hiccups BUT I can tell she is getting uncomfortable because she is stretching and licking her lips between hiccups. OK dose four will certainly be the one that sends her over the edge and produces the piglet. It only seems to quiet her hiccups. This has got to work soon because she is getting harder to catch. Dose five by now I am starting to worry. How much peroxide does it take to produce a piglet or to kill an idiot? Dose six, the hour mark is fast approaching. I get bold/desperate holding little Tava whose sweet look is replaced by scepticism and give her a double dose. Five minutes pass and she is pacing and finally throws up but no piglet...how is this possible? I leave her in the yard alone and tend to some of the other dogs. I am going to head in to call the vet. I check on her one more time... Tava is standing over the slimy piglet!! I am so relieved I almost cry. I spend the next hour telling Tava how wonderful she is and finally I see her turn her little face to mine and again I see her big soft trusting eyes. What a great and smart dog!! 

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