It is hard to pick a favorite in this group. Of my girls here Elsie is darling with her sweet want to be loved ways. Jewel is a jewel....she loves to play with stuffies. Run is smart as a whip and a bit intense and Hannah is a real beauty and so sweet. Today Hannah had her spay and we decided to have her old injury x-rayed. We were hoping to send the x-ray with her into her new home. But the vets are funny about letting go of them. So I took out my camera phone and took a picture of the x-ray. Everything looks fine and she should enjoy many pain free years. Shultz (Gable Schist) is here. He was banging his tail and injuring it at the kennel so now he is in a plastic crate which we hope will prevent big tail wags which cause bandages to go flying. So far the bandage has stayed on for about 10 hours...that is pretty good for a greyhound tail wrap!! Due to his injury he got bumped from the transport tomorrow. But hopefully he can go soon!! Thursday Elsie, Hannah, Ami, Spark and Herc will head out. Friday there is a ride lined up for Hot Shot and maybe Schultz.