Amongst the joy and buzz of the arrival and homing of the new greyhounds there has been some heartbreaking farewells. This week Falcon who was placed earlier this year lost his battle with bone cancer. Interestingly he passes his riches to his litter sister. In the last load of dogs that came up from OK was his full sister, Sexy Individual. Renamed Tessa she joined Falcon in his home during his last few weeks. She will remain to ease the sorrow of the loss and to bask in the love of his home. Falcon started a small legacy. Because of his wonderful spirit his family have opened their home and hearts to other homeless greyhounds. First there was Falcon...then Lilly ( was Ivy), then Betty (was MTV) and now Tessa....and it all started with one beautiful and sweet greyhound boy. Although it would be easy to lament the fact he only got to be in a home a short while, we must focus on that he got to enjoy a real home and in fact opened the door to others. That will make him live on in memory. How many of us will offer our home and hearts to other greyhounds because of the love of one great greyhound?
We also had to bid farewell to Neal who just arrived in the last load. His story was brief but he will be missed and never forgotten. Run free and without pain our grey-boys.
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