We have a new dog. Lou called Saturday to ask if I had room for a greyhound. The story was rather odd. The shelter in Polson had someone bring in a young adult intact male greyhound. The finder said the dog had been seen in the area for the last 3 or more weeks. I suppose it would have gone on longer but the greyhound started breaking into places searching for food. I asked Lou to make sure it really was a greyhound. Later that day Lou called and said "Yep looks like a purebred greyhound to me." Fortunately Lou was coming to Missoula on Tuesday and could bring him that far. I know the question on every one's mind....Where did he come from? Well he isn't one of our placements and it is unlikely he came from any rescue group since he is not neutered. The absence of tattoos means we can't track him down. Since he doesn't have the look of a AKC greyhound my best guess is he was never tattooed because he has rather flat feet. Honestly I am not making this up...flat feet causes dogs to break down because of the stress on the ligaments, tendons and bones in the feet...sesamoid bones in particular. So he is here, he is handsome, he is nameless and he seems like a wonderful boy. The shelter said he passed the cat test but we will test him again this week. He is slated to be vetted on Friday. Check out those great ears and eyeliner.
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