Tuesday, September 30, 2008
On the greyhound front...new hounds have arrived. We had a nice turn out of folks to help bathe and get them started into home life. Judy even had time to take a few pictures which she posted on the website http://www.gparockymountain.org/Montana%20Welcome%209-27-08.html Allie is so pretty and very much a lady. she stepped off the bus looking like a movie star, while Tildy stepped off looking like she had just got a off a carnival ride. Sparky is already on hold for Christine who came out to bathe and fell head over heels. Kathy was falling fast for Maxline but had to resist since she is already past her limit. Judy was going on and on about Nikki, Zorro was working Wendy and Glen. And me? I was happily getting loves from Romeo. Maxline really needs a foster home. She has a old break in her leg and really could benefit from the TLC of a real home foster home. Call Carol if you have a soft landing soft to foster the old gal.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Toby is a 2-3 year old brindle with white whippet. He escaped from his pen while attending the big dog show in Bozeman Sept. 17-18. His owner, Claudine, from Canada is desperate for his safe return. This isn't just a dog he is a loved part of their family. Toby may be spooky by now so if you see him don't expect he will come to you. You may be able to lure him near with another sighthound or food. Please do not chase him...call his family at 403-784-2225. If you see him please report all sightings so that we can try to keep track of the area he was last seen in. He was lost from the fairgrounds but reports are causing us to believe he may have moved to Johnson Road area. His owners are making another trip down to search.
Our own Greyhound person in Bozeman is spearheading a search party for him this week-end. If you can help please contact her for details. DANA 388-3422
As if a lost dog isn't enough of a heartbreak...Claudine's 2 year old daughter is waiting for his arrival back home. They were born just weeks apart and are best buddies.


Katy Did does Betty Davis Eyes....Photo by Ron Armstrong
Monday, September 15, 2008
Find a back pack at a yard sale and clearly mark it DOG FIRST AID. Some loud color will make it stand out in the closet or your trunk. Even a retired big purse can work. Mark it with a big ribbon (which can serve as a muzzle in a pinch)
1) Betadine - The store brand is fine and much in lower price. Diluted to a weak tea color this makes an excellent cleaning solution. All new wounds should be properly cleaned as the first line of defense against infection. When you think you have it clean, clean it again.
2) Neosporin - Basic wound care.
3) Benadryl - You don't want to find out your dog is allergic to bee stings without this on hand.
4) Rymadyl - Available only through your vet for emergency pain and inflammation control. Get enough for at least 48 hours of pain control. If your dog takes a tumble while running this will give your pup much comfort.
5) Vetwrap - This handy self sticking bandage is very versatile. Available at any farm store. Get at least 2 rolls.
6) Digital Thermometer - Walmart is where I buy mine. Take your permanent marker and label it "DOG"!! It is a good idea to write on it the normal dog temp which is within a degree of 100.5 degrees. You will also need lube like KY or Vaseline.
7) Tweezers - something to get out slivers or pluck out stitches
8) Scissors
9) Wrapping material - A hand towel, a roll of cotton, a baggie of cotton balls, a few Q-tips and a couple of maxi-pads (they are amazing on wounds...won't stick and absorb lots). Remember if wrapping a foot to put cotton between every knuckle and pad. Wrap as loose as possible. Greyhound feet are very thin skinned and prone to rubbing through the skin. You can make a minor problem major with one bad wrap.
10) A note pad and pens - Write down everything you do and the time so you can give your vet a complete history.
11) Aspirin for you or your dog - Regular old fashion real aspirin nothing added.
12) Plastic bags - A garbage bag or two and a baggie of baggies
13) A couple packets of sugar or honey. Energy gel if your greyhound is prone to low blood sugar after a run.
14) Pepto Bismol tablets - Much easier to give than the liquid.
15) Hydrogen peroxide- for making dogs throw up.
16) A business card from your vet and other phone numbers you might need in crisis.
If the kit is for the car I usually leave out the betadine (which can cause a big mess) and thermometer. I add a bottle of water and foil wrapped alcohol wipes.
For a more elaborate kit you might add more vet wrap, a tube of energy gel, skin stapler, staple remover, syringe (in a couple sizes), sterile pads, rolls of soft wrapping, sterile water (which is available in a can and will be found by the first aid supplies), electrolytes, Duct tape, A ruler and/or leg splint, bandage scissors, Ace bandage (careful to pad well under this and not to over tighten), bulb syringe, flash light or head lamp, muzzle, small nail scissors, magnifying glass, something to hold water, liniment, flea comb (excellent for getting out foxtails and other seed awns), safety pins, dog paw boots, extra leash, hard candy for people who get faint, pocket knife, handi-wipes and paper towels. If there is something your dog uses on a regular basis, that should be included. Even if you aren't sure how to use everything, chances are you can call and have someone talk you through it. Once you need it...you need it NOW.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
We only have Jack available for adopt in foster care with a few more hounds headed to Montana. It is funny how the dog you think will head into a home first is sometimes the one who is left behind. Jack is really a great dog. He is handsome, fun spirited and will settle once he is in a home. Having met Jack a few times I can assure you he is top notch!! I am suspecting that there will be some greyhound displaced from their farms by Hurricane Ike. Please consider opening your home to a foster greyhound. Fostering can be a few days or a few months. It is very rewarding and if you are thinking of adding to your family it is a great way to get a chance to check out how a new hound will work into your life! Despite Carol's cajoling I have resisted getting on line and shopping for a foster dog. But I am weak and I am sure I won't be able to resist much longer.
The weather is perfect. I have been busily rotating dogs in and out of the paddocks giving everyone some time in the sun. The wading pools have been freshened and I am busy filling holes. Greyhound love to dig a nice bed to curl into, my Iris is one of the worst...she claims she doesn't "DIG" like some ordinary dog she "NESTS". I wish the dainty little nester would stop it!! She is a little dog for Pete's sake!! Why does she need a "nest" I could trap a rhino in? Seriously her nests are a hazard.
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Monday, September 8, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008

Monday, September 1, 2008