The last month or so has been nothing but a blur of dog events for me and Hot Cha pack. On Labor day I was in Great Falls at an obedience trial with 3 of my aussies and Katy Did the whippet. Since most of you aren't dog show people most of what I am about to say will sound like it is some weird code...stick with me. Dusk (11 year old aussie boy) finished his Rally Advanced title on day one and is now RETIRED from all manner of ring obedience...we will continue to track. Ivy (12 year old Aussie girl) finished her Rally Excellent title and is likely retired as there is nothing else for her to do in obedience. Pixie (4 year old aussie girl) started and finished her Rally Novice title thus launching what I hope will be many years of showing in obedience. When I got to the show I realized that Pixie and I had never actually practiced rally...so we faked it. She exceeded my expectations with nice scores and a shining attitude. In Great Falls Katy made her obedience debut with a nice score of 191.5 points (out of 200) and was high scoring hound. The next day she was thrown a curve ball when the judge was in a wheelchair, but we still scored a nice score and secured a second leg. The last day we had a beautiful run going I felt we were in the high 190's but in the very last exercise she went whippet on me. I set her up for her recall (which is coming when called) Everything started great, she sat and waited, I called her, she started to come to me but then she started picking up speed. In just a couple of strides she had a full head of speed going and I was bracing for the impact with my knees. At the last moment she swerved sparing my knees BUT she had up so much speed she bounced out of the ring gate and we were disqualified....dang it. Had lots of comments on her fast recall but unfortunately fast equaled out of control this time...still she is the best bed warmer anywhere. With 3 titles in the bag and 2 legs towards her CD I went home smiling.
The next weekend was lure coursing in Missoula. I hit the field with 3 of my gang, Tava and Iris my greyhound girls and Katy Did. All raring to go and do their favortie thing...RUN!!

By the end of the weekend all three had easily earned their Junior Courser titles. After earning her JC, Tava cooled out a little sore and I immediately pulled her from any more runs. By the next morning there was no trace of the soreness but she still stayed home for the rest of the week end. Iris and Katy went on to earn two legs towards the next level title, Senior Courser. For this they have to run with other dogs of the same breed. We had a blast!!
Thursday, Sept. 18th I got up way before the crack of dawn and headed to Bozeman. I showed Katy in obedience again. Her heeling got a little loose but we held it together and earned a decent score and a 3rd place in the class but more importantly we got the last needed leg for her Companion Dog title. We were entered in Helena on the weekend. We skipped Saturday and showed Sunday but should have skipped it too as it was a bust. It has been a successful fall show season for us. We had fun!! These shows will motivate me through the long winter. I have been blessed with GREAT dogs. I love my pups!!
Katy Did does Betty Davis Eyes....Photo by Ron Armstrong
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