Run, Tava and Iris
This is a story about how two little greyhounds became three little greyhounds...and I ain't talking about a puppy! I picked Run for our group last Oct. She arrived from Kansas on Oct 27th without much fan fair. At first I tried everything to place her. I took her to the rep training and pawned her off on everyone. I tried to get people to foster her. I told everyone about her but nothing ever came together for her. Run was a bit intense and very smart. A bit much for some homes and she was absolutely horrible about cats. The weeks passed and one day I thought, "Heck I may as well give her a little training." Run proved to be super bright and loved the game of training...and I am a sucker for a smart dog! She learned everything I taught her fast. Greyhounds aren't the easiest dogs to train, but Run and I spoke the same language. By about March I started mentioning Run to less people and started thinking maybe I should keep her for myself. She was an easy fit for our home. I mean really, look at those three faces pictured above and tell me they aren't perfect together. Well, then the unexpected happened. The "right" home appeared for Run. They had no cats, had greyhound experience and whats more Run liked them. I grilled them to make sure they were good enough. I made them come out three times before I would even consider telling them she might be available. So Run packed her bags and she went into a home. As they were loading her up, I stood in the driveway amid their joy and happy faces, I was biting my cheek. I had to keep telling myself this was going to be good and not to grab the lead from their hands. My heart broke as I watched her drive away. For the most part things went well in her home. She was loved and it seemed like it was working. Then one day in July I got a call from Vicki. "Run is coming back." I couldn't believe my ears. "What do you mean she is coming back?" I asked. I struggled to wrap my brain around the idea she was being returned, and yet there was that little flicker in my heart. Then Vicki laid it on the line "She is being returned, can you take her?" The little flicker turned into a flame and my response was "How soon can she come home?"
It took a couple of days for the transfer to happen. I was anxious during that time....so worried it might not happen. Before long I was waiting in the driveway for Vicki to arrive with Run. While I was disappointed the home had fallen apart it was all I could do not to click my heels and dance a jig when I saw her. Run had been gone about 7 long weeks. Everyone asked what I was going to do about her and I simply said, "I think Run needs to be evaluated before she is put up for adoption". Which is why she never appeared on the "available" page of the web site. I had to endure the knowing snickers of my friends. I wanted to be sure it really would work. So here we are almost a year later and at last the commitment is cemented. Run is mine...as always....

She looks precious. And the 3 really do look as if they belong together. Much happiness to you and your family :)~h
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your beautiful new baby! A home just isn't complete without 3 or 4 greyhounds!
ReplyDeleteLove, Betty, Junie, Lilly, and Tessa (and Lindy)
Joni wrote: "I had to endure the knowing snickers of my friends."
ReplyDeleteThe spirits of Dancer and Winzer are laughing at you, er, sending big congrats. ;-)
Selena and I send hugs and love all around. Enjoy!