At long last we have sun and the dogs are getting to have some playtime outside. It seems like forever since they could get out there and really STRETCH. It is still icy but the temps are at 50 degrees. I turned the sighthound girls out, which includes Run, Tava, Iris and Kati (a sweet greyhound deerhound mix). I had to drag Iris out of her bed and outside. I laughed thinking about how much more like a hothouse orchid she is then a hardy iris....maybe a name change is in order. While the hounds were outside soaking up vitamin D, I heard a knock at the backdoor. It was the gal from German Shepherd rescue, who BTW I didn't know, and she had a surprise for me. Animal Control in Anaconda had been picking up a "greyhound" lately. They said this was her third time in the clink. This time she was not reclaimed AND her time was up. So while GSD rescue was in Anaconda doing who knows what they picked up this little girl and brought her to my door unannounced. Lucky me to be on the rescue radar
. Out to her truck we went meanwhile I was planning my refusal. What hopped out of the truck was a very pretty fawn greyhound mix girl. She looks greyhound but she has wire hair. I would guess she is likely 1/4 Deerhound and 3/4 greyhound. She could be called a coyote dog or a lurcher but I think I will dub her Montana's first Galgo. She is young, about 9 months. She is average size for a greyhound girl at roughly 55 pounds. As I am gearing up to tell the GSD gal "absolutely not, I don't do mixes"....that little galgo vixen leaves me speechless with a flick of her soft greyhound eyes. She seems to say "You will help me, won't you?" Next thing I know I am nodding and planning her spay while inside I am hushing the voice that screams "WAKE UP STUPID, SAY NO!!" But honestly tell me who of you greyhound lovers would turn her away to take her chances in the big big world. So now what? She needs a name....her rescuer called her Tawny...I like Vixen...anyone have other ideas? There is a spay set up for her next week and we will go from there. Welcome to the greyhound family galgo vixen.
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