Saturday, March 28, 2009
We made it to Abilene,KS!!!!! The roads have been great. Still traveling under blue skies. The first day we made it to Casper and stayed in the deep freeze they called Motel 6. Seriously when you walk in the door of a motel and the water in the toilet is frozen it is time to check out. It wasn't that bad but with the 3 of us and two beds EVERYONE wanted to share a bed. We cranked the heat and still by morning we could see our breath. Just as well because I could barely sleep. Last time I was this excited was when I was 6 years old on Christmas Eve. We did lights out at 10...I thought I was tired but then I was wide awake thinking of the dogs we would meet the next day. I couldn't stand it!! It was such a relief when I heard Judy stirring in the morning. We had to stop for breakfast and stumbled on a great place in Douglas, WY it was called the Plains Trading Post. Weird old building made from over 30 different buildings and over a thousand old doors. We arrived at Heather's about 2-ish. First order of business was to get our grubby little hands on GREYHOUNDS. I knew I would chose a foster dog for myself. I was surprised it took me less than a minute to find my girl. A dark brindle named Beverly. Every time I turned around she was within arms reach and looking right in my eyes. Heather had 64 dogs in house and we fell in love at least 100 times. After meeting hounds in every corner of the place we settled into doing some work. Heather is too polite to ask but we insisted and soon found ourselves armed with brooms and mops. We mopped every room we could. At dusk we settled ourselves into our trailer and found something to eat. Conversations were all about dogs...."did you see that one dog?" "Didn't you love Greta?" "Wasn't that brindle boy handsome?" We were so excited we couldn't stay away from the kennel long. In about a hour we headed back to help with feeding and then later turn outs. Being in that kennel with 30-40 loose dogs is a little like swimming with dolphins and for me it was more therapeutic. Sleep came about mid-night. Before 6 AM my alarm rang I was pulling on my shoes by the time Judy wandered sleepy eyed into the hall and started harassing Carol to get up. Carol staggered out with her witch hair and pillow wrinkled face BUT she was vertical. By now I was packing my bag and singing...Judy grumbled and said "HEY I thought you weren't a morning person" I stated in a haughty way "I am NOT a morning person I AM a dog person!" This was met with a eye roll. We helped with turn outs and fell in love over and over again. When we left Heather's we had 3 dogs confirmed for us. Beverly of course. Reagan a youngish red brindle girl. She stood out when she pressed herself against the crate door like a cat to try to get you to touch her. And a dog Heather calls Messi (Messy). A drop dead gorgeous white with red brindle patches boy. We already renamed him Mesa. We were still within 100 miles of Heather's when we called to request 2 more. We have 4 farms to visit tomorrow and the Greyhound Hall of Fame. So all of you out there taking wagers on how many dogs we would return with...it isn't over yet....

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