Wednesday just after we lost Sage I saw an URGENT plea for help from my friend Shauna in Idaho. She knew of an Aussie girl in a high kill shelter about to whelp. She posted her story and picture on Facebook. The sad look in the soon to be momma's eyes broke my already broken heart. Sage's importance in my was life laid open and raw...I met Sage's mom when she had been at the shelter heavy with pups...I could not turn my back on this girl in the same predicament. I responded I would take her if I could get help getting her here. I called Darrin at work and causally asked "Hey you don't mind if I bring home a pregnant Aussie bitch do you?" He responded "No no no no no no!!!" Without missing a beat I said "Oh you are breaking up but it sounds like you are OK with it." As he resigned to this new development he said "You are not bringing them into the house!" We will cross that bridge when we come to it, I have been blessed with a nice big kennel...finding a place for her really presented little problem. Christy (rescue volunteer) started figuring out how to move that momma dog to Montana! There were a couple of bobbles in getting her here or so it seemed at first. A ride was available but not for over two weeks and she could not be released until Saturday at closing. We decided that she couldn't wait for the ride and began to formulate a plan to meet half way on Sunday. When I came in Thursday morning (June 17) from chores there was a call from Christy to call her right away. The first words out of her mouth were "You were serious that you would take her immediately, right?" I assured her I was willing and she said "Oh good she left an hour ago!! She will be in Missoula this evening." Barb from Libby happened to be traveling home from Boise area that day. The animal control officer gave momma dog an "emergency pardon" since they wanted her out of there and she had a ride. I made it home with her about midnight that night. My friend Pam insisted I stop by even at that late hour so she could see her.
The next day was busy getting her cleaned up and assessed by a vet. Pam and I named her Bliss on the way to the vet. An x-ray showed at least 9 pups. It was clear all of her energy was going into those pups her body weight was not ideal. We were worried that she may not have the energy for a long labor. Her new auntie Pam bought her the best food we could find. Pat bought her the calcium tablets the vet wanted her to have. She had a large worm load so I checked on what I could give her. I object to feeding worms. During that first day she was here I made a quick call to friend CJ who has been looking for the right dog for herself. She has been a dedicated Malamute person but has decided to try something a little smaller. I told her "I have someone I want you to meet". It was love at first sight I am happy to say she has a home with CJ, when she is done with motherhood...pending current Malamute's approval. Bliss responded immediately and positively to having found a secure place to have her family. Her eyes started to beam and she happily greeted all of her new friends.
Thursday (June-24) I got up early and checked her. Other than not wanting to go out she seemed fine. 3 hours later I checked her again and SURPRISE she had 9 wiggling pups. Those pups must have come fast and furious. Bliss was covered in gunk and the pups were wet and gunky too. I helped her clean her babies and then cleaned her up a little too. Once she was nestled in a fresh bed I called Pat. Pat raised several litters years ago she could offer me guidance as to what and when to feed Bliss to help her recover. Other than a little diarrhea Bliss is doing great. She is a young mother but seems to be tending all of her pups. With the help of some friends Bliss's journey has taken a turn for the better.

I'm so thrilled that Bliss and pups are doing so well. I was so tickled when I realized that Barb was coming your way. Calling her and saying hey can you take a fur passenger with you on your way home was the best call I made that week. Good luck with this lovely girl and her babes! Amy - Waggin' Tails Rescue