I did take puppy pictures but have not taken the time to upload them yet. The pups are changing fast now. All of their eyes are open and they are learning to stand and walk. Last night in speaking to a friend she asked "Are you enjoying the puppies?" Because Judy is the kind of friend who sees through fibs, I told her the truth. "Actually" I began "I am not". Confused she said "What? Why?" Well the truth is I have been so busy there has not been time to enjoy anything. It is one of the stupidest things adults do. We get so task oriented we forget to do the things that add quality to our lives. I admit I have had some sadness and worries lately that have weighed me down. But life doesn't stop because we are down trodden or busy. If we miss it we have no one to blame but ourselves. The ironic thing is that this very circumstance is somewhat of a pet peeve of mine. Rushing about spending your time replacing important things with really unimportant things. I preach "You only travel this road once...enjoy it." But I fail in practicing what I preach. I promised
myself I would slow down a little.
Today I was hurrying trying to get a bunch of stuff done in order to prepare for the greyhound picnic tomorrow. My niece Aubree and my friend "Saint" Lynn were here helping me muck through piles of stuff and clean clean clean. Aubree came up missing. I was annoyed because the mirrors were her job and they still had dog nose prints all over them. When I found her she and my foster project, Springer Spaniel Gabe, were walking in the creek. She looked up at me with eyes glowing to tell me "We found a tennis ball with no skin and are following it down the creek!" She exclaimed "Its fun!" Damn it!!! In less than 24 hours I forgot to smell the roses again.
Goal for tomorrow...HAVE FUN!
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