Monday, April 30, 2007
Kay has also been claimed by a family in Three Forks and will move as soon as we can make transportation arrangements. Anyone interested in driving a pretty fawn girl part way to Three Forks on the week end?
Eileen is likely going to move next week end to a foster home in Billings....providing we can arrange transportation. Meanwhile things here are good. The goose baby has been named Cinco. He is a week old tomorrow. Caroline and Tony my long term greyhound boarders are getting ready to pack their little bags and head home with their family. There is an aussie in the Missoula Shelter in dire need. The shelter called today and begged me to come meet him. The wheels of rescue just keep on turning.....
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Today we celebrate....personal celebration really.....5 years ago I had open heart surgery. I am 5 years into my second chance. Proud to say I am healthy as I can be and the reasons I was sick are ancient history. To read how my Greyhound Nick helped me sail through one of the toughest times of my life go to

So if I at times seem a little too enthusiastic about fostering and routinely get in over my head you now know my debt to greyhounds is great. I had one give me life....I hope to return the favor.
Sunday, April 22, 2007

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Also got word that little greyhound Gracie Broeder from Billings was laid to rest last night. SIGH.....I find it a strange coincidence that greyhounds arrive in Montana on a bus in groups and they also seem to pass to the next world in groups. I can't help but wonder if there may be a heavenly bus waiting for them. If so when it is my time to go you will find me at the bus stop.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007
I have a confession. I could not remember the name Peachy....and frankly it may be on purpose because "Peachy" makes me get this tickle in the back of my throat like I get right before I am sick. So I have been calling her kind of sounds like Peachy and doesn't cause the gag reflex. Usually I don't even bother changing a name. I used to spend a lot of time shopping for the right name for my aussie rescues, most did not come with names. The more I liked the name the faster it seemed to be changed. So one day in a moment of haste I named this really beautiful aussie girl who was a bit sassy, Zsa Zsa. Sad to say that name stuck. And did I learn my I didn't...Kiki!
Thursday, April 12, 2007

We got word of the passing of a sweet young greyhound girl, Moxie. Foxy arrived in the fall of 2004. She was a shy little girl but we found someone up north who wanted to adopt her. So she headed that direction to have her vet work done and then be placed. When it came time to spay her she had some problems. She reacted adversely to the drugs used and the episode kicked off a seizure disorder. This big eyed tiny girl made her way back to Hot Cha Kennels. She was a changed dog. She went from shy to FEARFUL. Her eyes would be as big as saucers, her body tight and stiff. Just watching her made me ache. Just after she arrived I remember talking to Judy and saying "I don't know what we are going to do with her she is scared to death!" She would bolt around the room and I would have to gently herd her into smaller areas until I could catch her. Truly I was scared for her. There aren't a lot of homes for dogs who won't approach people and who have medical problems. Thankfully it was not long before Jenny met Foxy and they connected. Jenny spoke with her partner and they agreed to foster Foxy. Soon we got word that Foxy had changed her name to Moxie and she was staying in her foster home...FOREVER!!! Never had those words sounded so sweet. Moxie was not an easy dog but her family made it work. At the mall function this past weekend Judy and Jenny were visiting and Jenny mentioned she was seeing some changes in Moxie. In just a matter of days these small changes became dramatic and Moxie lost her quick and brutal fight for life. I believe it was stomach cancer. My heart goes out to Moxie's family for the loss. My gratitude also goes out to them. They offered Moxie safe harbor when she was a lost soul. They gave her peace and unconditional love. So really this story isn't about is about the kind and generous people who make up our greyhound community. It is about the lessons we learn about love from watching people who go the extra mile and say "Yes, she has a home with us...even with her baggage."
Run free little tiny brindle greyhound girl...fear no more.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
This morning bright and early I headed down to have Dynamo and Asta altered and a dental. They are back home now and both of them are pretty out of it. Poor kids are so pathetic!! Hopefully the pain meds will kick in and get them up and moving soon. Once Asta is up and perking along again she will be heading home. Her owner is ready for her...yesterday. Mo also has been claimed by the Townsend family of Great Falls. We are hoping for him to head home this week end. The next item on the agenda is to try to get the stitches out of Kay, booster the combo shot and in the morning take the others to be fixed up and made ready for homes....oh yeah and another worming. Next week things can fall into some form of rhythm and I can really start to get to know the new dogs.
Monday, April 9, 2007

Dusk and Dynamo
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Thursday, April 5, 2007
This is Kay who raced under the name of Navy Blue Angel. She is on the small side and just two years old. She wasn't fast enough to be a real race dog. Something about her funny face charms me. Looks like she is sharing a joke....truth be known she is probably just coughing. Oh well...whatever works.
This is Driven by Dynamo who is 4.5 years old. Funny thing about this boy, he just kept popping up on every one's radar. Sometimes when that happens you just have to wonder if there isn't a reason. He is sired by Flying Train who has several kids in MT. Dynamo's race career is interesting because he won a few but mostly was in the pack. Kind of the working man of dog racing. Not a stellar performer but solid in his work. Adding Dynamo puts us 2 over the limit I set....but I do feel happy about it. We are still waiting to hear back confirming that he is coming.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007

This is Peachy whose race name is Bellini Buzz. She will be 2 in July. She is cute but not fast enough to be a race winner. So she will race to a couch in Montana. This is kind of a silly picture, but we asked our KS connection to pick something nice for us and this is who they picked. She must be a sweetheart!!
This pretty girl was spotted by Carol. She is 5.5 years and had a race career where she prove to be very good. She was taken home and raised a litter and is now ready to be welcomed into some lucky person's family.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007

OK so that sweet face lured me in and then when I found out he shared the same name as my own sweet Aussie boy I was hooked. I will be fostering this 2.5 year old boy named Dusk...yes really just fostering.
Sunday, April 1, 2007

I wish to thank Irene for giving us the opportunity to participate in the Photo Contests this year! The FUN was ours - the subjects, OUTSTANDING!