Today Kiki headed home with her new "foster" mom. Mary will be teaching her all about life as a real dog. Of course after our long long lecture to Mary about "DO NOT LET THIS DOG ESCAPE!!!" We managed to let that dog escape. I was coming in with dogs and between Judy and I...out Kiki slipped and she headed down the road. Our eyes met and the same word was spoken "S#*T!!!" I quickly handed Judy the dogs I had and calmly called "Kiki, Come on girl" as I headed to the kennel room where the greyhounds stay. Thankfully she turned headed back to me and was looking to go in. Fearful dogs will do one of two things....either freak and bolt or head for something familiar. Today we were LUCKY and she headed back. After Kiki was safely headed home with Mary, Judy and I went and had a big chocolate fix. Next thing we knew we were at the feed store looking at baby chicks and then we were headed back home with a gosling like that was the most normal thing in the world. Stress can sure mess up logic.
So glad Mary got a dog. She was at the meet and greet most of the time two Sat ago talking about dogs. She will be a greyt foster mom.