Things here have been routine and good. The dogs all get out into the paddocks for several hours on the sunny days and raw hide bones and shelter on the days that are crummy.
Kiki is coming around more all the time. Every day I seem to see another step towards trust. Kay and Dusk are both sweet and pretty easy to handle. Eileen...well Eileen is a busy body. Very sweet and wants to be a good girl but LOOK what I caught her doing. I had to hide and take these pictures through a window....if she could see me her little halo was shining brightly. She would blink her big i
nnocent eyes at me and sweetly lay down until I left....she is a SLY FOX!!! I admire that.
Step One.... get a good look at the gate, this is a good way to see if anyone is watching.

Step Two.... rally support from Kiki and get busy with that pesky latch

Step Three....Free at last we are Free at last
Eileen escapes, Kiki is making her move and Kay wonders, "is that a camera? Shall I strike a pose?"
I am sure Eileen was disappointed that her great escape just dead ended in another kennel.
Oh my gosh! I'd be in a world of hurt if either of my grey girls learned Eileen's tricks! But I will say my Foxy (also black) is the one that sneaks things (like food scraps from plates in the sink) only when we aren't looking. These hounds are real characters :)