Hey for all you home bodies like me who are home with the hounds and not out partying here is a chance to bring a bit of party into your home!! Our own Robert Harsch compiled a greyhound video on YouTube He even put the music together!! So everyone get ready to cut loose with a round of Auld Lang Syne Robert Harsch Reggae style!!
Well it is just minutes after the new year and already Darrin is asleep in bed and I am on my way out to let the dogs have one more turn out and to pass out the best treats I could find. I am so blessed to have the best husband, the best dogs and the best friends in the world!! Money? I have little...riches I have MUCH!!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
I wrote a new bio for Run today and sent it to Judy. I have to confess I was dragging my feet because I love having Run here...but that isn't completely fair to her. She needs and deserves more than I can give her right now. I wanted to write a bio that said, "Hurry and adopt this dog because I adore her"....but then I also wanted to write a bio that was so unflattering no one would ever want her. Hopefully I wrote one that does her justice. She is a very good girl. So many dogs so little time!! The weather is cold and windy. The dogs only got a quick run outside. No one wanted to be out very long. I hear rumor that a real winter storm is brewing. I made soup for the dogs last night. I had a bunch of turkey...added some rice, carrots and threw in whatever else is hanging around....a wilted apple went in as did some yogurt that needed to be used up. The dogs thought it was manna straight from heaven. Good news for them is I have more turkey!!
Saturday, December 29, 2007

PS....if your hated mother law or horrible neighbor who is a stripper is named Charm...I don't want to hear about it!
Thursday, December 27, 2007

Wednesday, December 26, 2007
I hope everyone had an excellent Christmas. Hot Cha Kennels was blessed with a couple of miracles. A week ago my heart was breaking as I felt I was saying good bye to my Izzy....she had become very sick and every x-ray and blood test seemed to bring worse news. She couldn't stand, walk or even lift her head. It took some time and lots of vigilant care but Izzy is quickly recovering!!! I would guess her to be about 90% back to herself. I thought it would be a miracle if she could walk by Christmas...if ever. Izzy not only could walk but she was begging for treats on Christmas day. My sister was here and I swear that dog got a treat every time Sherry walked by her. Then my friend Pam came by and suddenly Izzy was getting twice the treats. I rejoiced with each treat she wolfed down.
I promised you two miracles. The second is pictured below. I spotted her on line a couple of weeks ago. I emailed my friend Mary Ann, who had rescued her and told her how much I liked the looks of her. I had that old tickle in my soul that told me this little 2 year old blue girl was my family. Mary Ann said "She is just your kind of dog BUT she is already spoken for".
Then in the midst of Izzy being sick, the very pinnacle of my fear and worry the call came. Her promised home didn't follow through and she could be mine. This news was my bright star of hope in the Christmas season. I planned to go on Thursday to meet her but bad roads kept me home. On Saturday Judy proved again how much she likes happy endings (in this case happy beginnings), by dropping everything to drive me to Idaho to meet this little girl. I needed a driver so I could hold her most of the way home on my lap. Mary Ann and her husband met us half way. At this time of year it is hard to lay down all your doings and spend a day transporting pups. Both of these women who I am proud to call dear friends gave me the gift of their precious time. The new girl has fit in here just like she has always been here. I am still toying with names...I need to decide soon...something better than "Hey". So now Tabu's crate has a fresh start. It was a little hard to first let the new girl into the crate. But life is too short to postpone love and besides I had already let her into my heart....into the crate was just the next step. 

Thursday, December 20, 2007
GOOD NEWS....Tava's mother Nitro Ducky has officially been retired and will be getting her vet work done asap. She will then wait for the next available haul to our area....likely not until Feb. Here is a picture of her last litter of lovelies. I see that soft look Tava has in all of their little faces. It will be fun to see them launch into their racing career....then maybe one day into a pet career. 
Other good news...Izzy is holding her own. She is eating and alert. She isn't able to walk without help but hopefully that will come soon. Izzy walking on her own for Christmas would be a great gift!!

Other good news...Izzy is holding her own. She is eating and alert. She isn't able to walk without help but hopefully that will come soon. Izzy walking on her own for Christmas would be a great gift!!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
The weather outside is warm and sloppy. I turned Tava my greyhound girl out to play and the first thing she did was take off running and slid, falling on her side. Greyhounds have a way of landing like a pile of sticks. Just as you are about to run for the phone to summon the vet...the greyhound gets up, looks around sheepishly and lopes off like they meant to do that.
My sweet Aussie girl Izzy has been very sick. X-rays revealed a mass of undetermined origin. could be a tumor or it is possible it is part of the lung which is either swollen or displaced because of swelling else where. Cancer has not been ruled out....but neither has pancreatitis. Either way the long term prognosis is questionable. Although she is weak she is not having any pain. So we will stay the course and pray for improvement. Even if this is the final part of her life I am determine to make the most of it. Since I can not control the wave I have two choices....I can drown or try to ride the scary wave and do my level best....I am committed to the second option.
On a much brighter note. I talked to my cousin who adopted Scratchy and Timber this past summer. She is completely in love with her greyhounds. She did confess she is considering putting another bed in her room so she has a place to go when her two bed hogs squeeze her out. She sighed as she told me her leisurely walks have turned into jogs. Paula said she will be in the best shape of her life if this keeps up. She commented that she must be a sight clomping along the winter roads in her sweats, big Sorrel pack boots her hair pillow mashed and combed by the wind. I laughed and told her not to worry because no one will even see her when she has greyhounds. It is an interesting phenomena that I can look like the biggest slob in the world and if I have a greyhound at the end of a leash I feel dressed up. The absolute best is if you are lucky enough to have TWO greyhounds...black as night is the most elegant of colors...but any greyhound will certainly improve yourself image.
My sweet Aussie girl Izzy has been very sick. X-rays revealed a mass of undetermined origin. could be a tumor or it is possible it is part of the lung which is either swollen or displaced because of swelling else where. Cancer has not been ruled out....but neither has pancreatitis. Either way the long term prognosis is questionable. Although she is weak she is not having any pain. So we will stay the course and pray for improvement. Even if this is the final part of her life I am determine to make the most of it. Since I can not control the wave I have two choices....I can drown or try to ride the scary wave and do my level best....I am committed to the second option.
On a much brighter note. I talked to my cousin who adopted Scratchy and Timber this past summer. She is completely in love with her greyhounds. She did confess she is considering putting another bed in her room so she has a place to go when her two bed hogs squeeze her out. She sighed as she told me her leisurely walks have turned into jogs. Paula said she will be in the best shape of her life if this keeps up. She commented that she must be a sight clomping along the winter roads in her sweats, big Sorrel pack boots her hair pillow mashed and combed by the wind. I laughed and told her not to worry because no one will even see her when she has greyhounds. It is an interesting phenomena that I can look like the biggest slob in the world and if I have a greyhound at the end of a leash I feel dressed up. The absolute best is if you are lucky enough to have TWO greyhounds...black as night is the most elegant of colors...but any greyhound will certainly improve yourself image.
Friday, December 14, 2007

We have had a little bit of movement in the greyhound community. We were asked to take in a greyhound boy from a family that had moved here from out of state. Currently Rocket is in Billings and being evaluated. Initial reports are that he is a very nice and handsome boy. Nitro Dorris was also returned. This was a case of a mis-match. Dori is a bit on the timid side and the activity of a family home was overwhelming to her. As painful as it was her home decided to let her go so she could try to find a better match. Dori is at Tripps and being evaluated and will start her search for the perfect spot for her. Run is still here. She is as active and fun as she can be. She is a bright little cookie...she can be a little demanding....but what a girl!! She my two younger girls, Iris and Tava go out to play together often. They make quite a trio all bundled up. The weather has been mostly over cast and chilly but not horrible cold or wet. We are all ready for some sun.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Monday, December 3, 2007

She was so hilarious her first romp in all that snow over a week ago. We got a good foot up here on the bench. She was a wild girl racing around. It was amazing the speed she had in that depth. Kissie loves to ride in the car as well. Its now a daily thing, she and Nuzz get to come take the kids to school, and pick them up at the bus stop at the end of the day, and sometimes take rides into town if I only have a quick in and out stop to make. She really enjoys it. Comes all the way up to the front from the back-back. Nuzzle doesn't mind, at least she's not 'bitching' at him on occasion. She likes to lay on the second seat when the kids aren't in the car. She also likes to lay on the bed on the nights Sean's not home. And there are the mornings that I don't rise soon enough for them and the two of them will jump on me. Literally lay on me, pinning me. Its hard enough to get one off, but the two of them, its not fair! They're so big! And usually they are nibbling on body parts, pawing at me, roo-ing, jumping on me. Quite the incentive to get out of bed. And Kissie's nickname could be shadow. She follows me everywhere now. Lays in whatever room I'm in. And she's so close to my side sometimes I actually step on her. I'm getting used to her being there, or behind me when I turn quickly say in the kitchen or bathroom. And I know I'm still not seeing all of her personality yet. I'm still amazed at how she was fostered for so long---- and THANKFUL because she's ours! And she just adores Sean. When he comes home for the weekend, or say from his hunting trip, she's so excited to see him. Her tail waging, jumping all over him after he gives the okay. She just loves him.
All is well in the Hardy house.
Well that is all for me for a week or so...I am leaving this rain drenched state for sometime in the sun. We are heading to AZ and then Mexico. If it keep raining like this we will need a ark instead of a plane to get out of here. Adios
Sunday, December 2, 2007
It has been a couple of crazy weeks around here. Now the boarding dogs who were here for the Thanksgiving holiday are back home and finally the dog laundry and dog dishes are back on the shelf clean and waiting for the next rush which will happen in a week or so. Good news on the foster front. Robbie is staying with Tripps FOREVER!!! I think Carol knew when she saw him on line that he was family. Connie has been officially adopted by the same Billings family who adopted her sister earlier this fall. Ami has been claimed by her foster family. I don't know how he kept the secret but foster dad surprised foster mom with the adoption papers on her birthday. Last Friday the little IG boy, Racer left to be fostered with Hartes. They sent me a picture of their big red greyhound boy Eli laying and being used as a pillow by Racer. The two seem to have become instant buddies. Yesterday Trish from Billings met Sweet Cheeks. Trish waffled just slightly and said she was only fostering but that did not last long... Sweet Cheeks blinked her big soft eyes and Trish was reaching for the adoption papers. Howie made the trip to meet a new foster home...ha ha ha right I saw the picture on the web site looks like love to me. Rain (HH Pretty Woman) has a fresh name for her fresh start. She will go home tomorrow. So now in foster care here is only Run. Poor little Run Run...I am sure a non cat home will turn up soon. In the mean time I enjoy her little busy ways. We got a great update on Kissy who is doing wonderful. I will post it tomorrow.
I did have a really cool thing happen which is non-dog related. I was headed out to the kennel when I noticed a magpie harassing something on the ground under one of our pine trees. I went over to investigate and saw a small owl...I mean tiny. I didn't look too close but it looked like it might be hurt so I hustled out to the kennel to grab a small crate and a towel in case rescue was needed. When I got back the owl was gone but I spotted him in a nearby tree. What I mistakenly thought was a injury was a small bird....or as the owl called it dinner. I snapped this picture with my trusty phone. He is clutching the small bird in front of him. Judy's bird books and my on line search makes us think he was a Northern Pygmy Owl. He was tiny...not much bigger than the sparrow he is holding.

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