Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The weather outside is warm and sloppy. I turned Tava my greyhound girl out to play and the first thing she did was take off running and slid, falling on her side. Greyhounds have a way of landing like a pile of sticks. Just as you are about to run for the phone to summon the vet...the greyhound gets up, looks around sheepishly and lopes off like they meant to do that.

My sweet Aussie girl Izzy has been very sick. X-rays revealed a mass of undetermined origin. could be a tumor or it is possible it is part of the lung which is either swollen or displaced because of swelling else where. Cancer has not been ruled out....but neither has pancreatitis. Either way the long term prognosis is questionable. Although she is weak she is not having any pain. So we will stay the course and pray for improvement. Even if this is the final part of her life I am determine to make the most of it. Since I can not control the wave I have two choices....I can drown or try to ride the scary wave and do my level best....I am committed to the second option.

On a much brighter note. I talked to my cousin who adopted Scratchy and Timber this past summer. She is completely in love with her greyhounds. She did confess she is considering putting another bed in her room so she has a place to go when her two bed hogs squeeze her out. She sighed as she told me her leisurely walks have turned into jogs. Paula said she will be in the best shape of her life if this keeps up. She commented that she must be a sight clomping along the winter roads in her sweats, big Sorrel pack boots her hair pillow mashed and combed by the wind. I laughed and told her not to worry because no one will even see her when she has greyhounds. It is an interesting phenomena that I can look like the biggest slob in the world and if I have a greyhound at the end of a leash I feel dressed up. The absolute best is if you are lucky enough to have TWO as night is the most elegant of colors...but any greyhound will certainly improve yourself image.

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