I hope everyone had an excellent Christmas. Hot Cha Kennels was blessed with a couple of miracles. A week ago my heart was breaking as I felt I was saying good bye to my Izzy....she had become very sick and every x-ray and blood test seemed to bring worse news. She couldn't stand, walk or even lift her head. It took some time and lots of vigilant care but Izzy is quickly recovering!!! I would guess her to be about 90% back to herself. I thought it would be a miracle if she could walk by Christmas...if ever. Izzy not only could walk but she was begging for treats on Christmas day. My sister was here and I swear that dog got a treat every time Sherry walked by her. Then my friend Pam came by and suddenly Izzy was getting twice the treats. I rejoiced with each treat she wolfed down.
I promised you two miracles. The second is pictured below. I spotted her on line a couple of weeks ago. I emailed my friend Mary Ann, who had rescued her and told her how much I liked the looks of her. I had that old tickle in my soul that told me this little 2 year old blue girl was my family. Mary Ann said "She is just your kind of dog BUT she is already spoken for".
Then in the midst of Izzy being sick, the very pinnacle of my fear and worry the call came. Her promised home didn't follow through and she could be mine. This news was my bright star of hope in the Christmas season. I planned to go on Thursday to meet her but bad roads kept me home. On Saturday Judy proved again how much she likes happy endings (in this case happy beginnings), by dropping everything to drive me to Idaho to meet this little girl. I needed a driver so I could hold her most of the way home on my lap. Mary Ann and her husband met us half way. At this time of year it is hard to lay down all your doings and spend a day transporting pups. Both of these women who I am proud to call dear friends gave me the gift of their precious time. The new girl has fit in here just like she has always been here. I am still toying with names...I need to decide soon...something better than "Hey". So now Tabu's crate has a fresh start. It was a little hard to first let the new girl into the crate. But life is too short to postpone love and besides I had already let her into my heart....into the crate was just the next step. 

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