Monday, December 29, 2008

Dima (Dee Dee to her friends) loped over the rainbow bridge Christmas morning. She was one of a trio of dogs we re-rescued in Oct, 2005. That seems like so long ago...but it really was only 3 short years. Dima was lucky enough to land in the home of Jan and Tony and their merry pack. She thrived there and was much loved by her greyhound sister Foxy. This past year brought problems with her kidneys. Her attentive family had gotten it under control and Dima was pain free and doing well until the last few hours. She is greatly missed already. And yes Jan, I am sure Dee Dee can still hear you singing "her songs" to her.

This month we also bid a sad farewell to Gracie who succumbed to seizures just a few days before Christmas. Gracie leaves a greyhound size hole in the hearts of her family, Mark and Amanda. She was settling into her home about the same time Dima was in the fall of 2005, after being brought up from CO to retire. She charmed the socks off all who knew her and was the easiest dog to love.

I speak for the entire greyhound community when I say our hearts are with yours while you make this adjustment in your lives. May you find love and peace again soon.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

I have been making an effort to clean my home with basic cleaners. You know things like soda, white vinegar and elbow grease. Today I had the chance to try out homemade carpet cleaner. One of my friends raised a litter of pups in her spare room. This seemed like the perfect place to put the carpet cleaning solution to the TEST. As you can guess raising pups is pretty hard on carpets and between the pups learning housebreaking and the wet muddy paws the carpets were past stinky and into the realm of lets just rip it out entirely. A hour of Darrin's hard work and a steam cleaner borrowed from Tripps the carpets are clean...they smell fresh, dried quickly and there was no sticky residue. I will never buying carpet cleaning solution again. For under $2 I had a whole gallon of good cleaner! Here is the recipe....

Joni's Magic Carpet Cleaner
1 pint 91% isopropyl alcohol (this is strong rubbing alcohol)
1 TBSP Ammonia
2 TBSP White Distilled Vinegar
1 tsp Dawn dish soap

Mix ingredients and add enough water to make a gallon.
For very soiled areas use a spray bottle to dampen the carpet and let sit for 15-30 minutes before cleaning with steamer. Keep a spray bottle of this handy for spot cleaning.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Gretta, Sunny and Popsicle
The new gang arrived last week and are now recovering from vetting and preparing to settle into new homes. Except, Popsicle, who already headed to his waiting home. That leaves us with 3 wonderful mature girls to find homes for.
Most newsworthy lately has been the intense cold. It is pretty tough to let dogs out to play when temps are below zero and windchill sends it into -26 degrees. Heck it is pretty hard to even convince some of them to go out long enough to potty. Today was almost warm with the lack of wind and the incoming storm stalled in Kalispell dumping boat loads of snow on them. The weather men are saying a storm is rolling in tonight bringing snow then chased by bitter temps and winds. But today was a nice break and the pups loved being outside for more than 15 minutes. The boarding dogs are starting to come in for the holidays and it is promising to be busy...that is if people can actually travel this week. The holidays have been booked solid for over two weeks. I have a back kennel room I only use during the summer months because it is not well heated. It really is the domain of Sigh, our greyhound test kitty. He is set up with a nice heating pad and a heat lamp. When the temps dropped last week and the wind seemed to be blowing from every direction I moved the goats into the back kennels. Sigh seems to be enjoying the company of the goat girls. The goats are happy with four walls around them and I sleep better knowing everyone is comfortable.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Woo Hoo....the Bozeman crew, headed by Barb and Dana visited the Christmas Stroll in Bozeman. The dogs donned on donation vests and brought in a healthy donations from passersby. Dana reported that the relaxed atmosphere and perfect weather helped make it the perfect day for being out and showing off the hounds. Billings also had their Christmas Stroll and a hound-party at McVittie's (the greyhound) house...we will get a update from one of them. Coming up next week end is photos with Santa in Billings.

We have two greyhounds who are headed our way this week. Kind of short notice but the opportunity arose and we grabbed it!! We have spoken for JT Sun Vallie, a 7 year young dark brindle beauty (see picture below). We are also getting another senior female but I don't have the exact details yet. If you are itching to add to your family please let us know NOW...we might be able to squeeze one more in.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The greyhound foster scene has been pretty slow. Tildy is still in the kennel at Tripps and Jack is still being fostered by Bek...but there is a home that is firming up for him. There is a possibility of a greyhound being given up by someone who recently moved to our state. First order of business is to make sure it really is a greyhound.
Over the years I have learned never to commit to a dog sight unseen. There was the time I was transporting a dog for another rescue. It was supposed to be an Aussie. I was picking it up in Missoula and taking it to Portland where it would meet up with someone who had agreed to foster him and find him a new home. When I first laid eyes on the dog I thought "No way!!" This dog was huge! Average Aussie boys weighs 50-60 pounds and this boy was easily 90+. In a time before cell phones I really didn't have a way to call the person in Portland and my husband was chomping at the bit to begin our 15 hour drive to the southern Oregon coast where we lived at the time. So we crammed BIG DOG Baxter in the back seat and took off. He was a really good boy. Traveled well, walked perfectly, sweet and really no problem other than he was obviously NOT a purebred Aussie...likely not an Aussie at all. In ten or so hours we pulled up to the home of the Aussie foster mom. One look at this BIG DOG and she pretty much refused to take him. She was furious at the sender for sending a dog so clearly not an Aussie...I felt awful for the dog. You could see the confusion on this big lunk of a dog's face. It never occurred to any of us he would be met with anger and rejection. Predictably, I loaded him up and he came home with us. In time I found a fantastic home for him. He spent time training as a Search And Rescue dog. They proved to be a gifted team. He sailed through his basic training and was on to very advanced skills within the year. In fact one of the last times I heard from his owner they were getting ready for a big test and would be required to jump out of a plane and repel from a helicopter. My immediate thought was they would probably both be killed trying this. My memory was of this BIG BIG DOG in our tiny back seat. Once in shape he tipped the scales at only 70+ pounds. Seventy pounds still seems huge to strap to you and jump out of a plane. You know I don't remember hearing from them after don't suppose?....NAH I would have heard if a dog had died sky diving.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thanks to Vicki K. in Missoula one of the lab pups went home today. Sad to say all those great homes we thought we had turned out not to be so solid. The new home was pleased to pick the active girl since they may want to try to hunt a little with her. I, as a foster home, was happy to be left with the bit lazier boy.

We have been having a yard sale of sorts here. One of my friends had a cute little dress shop in Stevensville which she recently closed so we are selling much of her inventory and a few other odds and ends. The danger of having a yard sale with your friend is that there is a certain amount of trading junk that goes on.
Friend 1 - "OOOOO you are selling that? I gotta have it! How much do you want for it?"
Friend 2 - "That? You want that? You can have that!"
Friend 1 - "No no no....I want to pay for it what do you want for it?"
Friend 2 - "One penny."
Friend 1 - "Well then I am not going to buy it"
Friend 2 - "Oh my gosh why are you selling that? You should keep it"
Friend 1 - "No I am sick of it...I am definitely selling it."
Friend 2 - "Oh I will trade you this for that."
And so it goes until we each have a little corner filled with stuff that is no longer for sale.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Monday night my friend Pam called me in a panic. She had been hiking and found two lab pups at the trail head. In talking to everyone she could at the site she learned that these pups had been there all day and had tagged along on some hikes but no one claimed them. It was nearly dark and a storm was rolling in so what else could she do? She loaded them up and called me for help. Fortunately I had room for them in the kennel. They were pretty tired when they crawled into a warm dry crate together. They shared a bowl of kibble and sacked out. I actually had to wake them up for a potty break. The days have rolled by and the ads we ran and the fliers we plastered all over have gone unanswered. It is looking like these two were dumped. Fortunately the vet where they were taken for scanning had some leads on homes for us. We have 3-4 really good spots for them. It looks certain that good lab-lovin' homes will be ready for them soon...WHEW!! Pam brought me lunch on Tuesday. I couldn't tell if it was the guilt of dumping the pups on me or just the desire to play with the pups that brought her out bearing food. We picnicked on my porch. It was cold but the dogs didn't mind. I had bought these fancy dog cookies and this seemed like the perfect day to break them out. They come in a package like Oreos and are sandwich cookies like Oreos but they are peanut butter and cream. They are stamped with this really cute doggie paw print and they smell great. Total junk food for dogs but they loooove them. Later that evening I was wandering through the kitchen and I noticed Darrin was snacking. I saw his eyes widen and he stopped chewing. Through his crumb filled mouth he said "Are these DOG cookies?" He had spotted the paw print on his cookie. I nodded and he ran to the garbage can spitting and gagging. You would have thought he was poisoned. I had a good laugh but the best was yet to come. After he rinsed out his mouth, drank some water and regained his composure he said "You know the first two were pretty good!" He said when he knew they were dog cookies he just couldn't swallow. That innocent paw print saved the dog's cookies. The dogs are happy to know they won't have to share with least not very often.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

When Donna and Vic were here they mentioned that once when they were in Wyoming at their son's house their little angel, Hannah found a open gate and wandered out. Within moments a search was launched. Before to long they found her. A kindly man who had seen Hannah and taken her in. He knew a greyhound loose was a greyhound in danger. Before they left with Hannah this man did a little finger wagging and said, "You may have a tag on your dog but with no area code it was worthless to me!" Morale of the story is make sure your tag has your complete phone number AND your cell phone number. I always put my cell phone on my dogs because if they are ever lost I WILL be out searching for them and not at home waiting for a call.

Lika (was Sparky) has a new trick to amuse her new adoptive family. She steals dirty dishes out of the sink so she can go polish them at her leisure. These are such great dogs!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008


I had a nice surprise today when Donna and Vic from Billings called and were in the Bitterroot and wanted to visit and let Hannah run. It was great to meet them and Hannah had a good run. She did come in with some sore pads from running and turning. But we cleaned them with betadyne and she will be fine in a couple of days. Then we got looking at Hannah's teeth. It is one of my compulsions...I couldn't help myself. There was a little bit of gunk on her teeth which I HAD to get off. Before Donna could say "no" I had my scaler in hand and was giving her dog the once over. Vic was eager to learn and I showed him how to do it. We followed up with a good tooth brushing. Which brings me to something I have been meaning to discuss...TEETH

If there isn't infection you can clean them up yourself. Have your vet or someone who knows how show you how to use a scaler to just pop off the tartar. Vets would love it if you brushed your dogs teeth every day but honestly very few people I know actually do this. I would recommend that you check teeth the first of every month and/or every time you bathe your greyhound at least. Waiting until the smell bothers you is NOT the way to go and will end up with your dog on a table losing teeth. Dirty teeth ruin health. Just like people some have nice hard teeth and others have crummy enamel to which everything sticks. The unlucky dogs with bad enamel will benefit the most from lots of brushing to keep the tooth surface smooth. My Iris has soft teeth I check her teeth every couple of weeks or more. It is a battle to keep up with it but so far she still has her teeth.

I am not going to discuss the how-to of scaling teeth since that is more of a hands on thing but I would be happy to show you if you want to come out. So lets just assume the teeth are reasonably clean. First you need tools. Save your money and don't buy those stupid dog tooth brushes...awkward and ineffective = thumbs down. I have yet to find one that works well but the dog toothpaste is worth buying. I use an inexpensive battery operated people tooth brush ($5-$8). Look for one that the rotating brush is on the end. Those are your real cleaning bristles so you want them where they can get the most contact with the teeth in that long pointed jaw. Step one is desensitizing your dog to the brush. Turn it on while you examine the dog's mouth but don't try to use it yet. Flick it off and on a few times so the start up doesn't bother them. Next wet your brush and load with some dog tooth paste. Pushing the paste into the bristles slightly will keep it from falling right off. Next, with the turned off brush, open your greyhounds lips and brush the paste into the teeth. I always smear the paste into the teeth like this before I start to brush them because it keeps the paste where you need it instead of on the floor. At first work mostly on just the teeth you can reach. Don't worry about getting the back teeth until the dog understands what you are doing and relaxes. Now with the brush bristles resting against the teeth turn on the brush and start to move it. Be sure you push slightly so it doesn't just tickle. Brush both sides gently but quickly and stop. The tell them how smart and wonderful they are. Give them some love and repeat the process until your dog has very little reaction to this new concept. If your dog got wound up by the process stop before they fight you and do it again in a few minutes. But give them a break to think it over. Once they accept you brushing the front teeth, then you can start doing the back teeth. When I do the back teeth I hook my thumb in the back corner of the lip and pull the lips back resting my other fingers on the top of the skull. When I do the left side I use my fingers and rest my palm on the top of the skull. Its too awkward to use my thumb much on that side. Be sure you keep your fingers away from the chewing surfaces. Once you and your greyhound have the hang of it you won't have to lift the lips much and can just work under the lips like we do when we brush our own teeth. A simple brushing should only take a couple of minutes from start to finish if you do it right. Human tooth paste is not supposed to be swallowed so unless your dog knows how to sip, swirl and spit use dog tooth paste or baking soda. As for that stuff you can spend big money for to add to your dog's water to keep tartar at bay. It is proving not to be all that effective and some of it is actually dangerous. Ineffective, dangerous and expensive= thumbs down.

Some things you can do to help your dogs teeth stay clean. Many people like to give bones. They should be raw and you should watch your dog so you can take the bone away when it gets small. When you take it always give your dog a nice trade. A bite of meat or cheese in exchange for the used up bone. I have found big knuckle bones can break the teeth. So find a length of leg bone or even a rib....but keep checking the status of the bone and take it away when it is too small. You can also find sterilized bones which you can fill with a little cheese or peanut butter. When the dog gets bored the bone can go right into your dishwasher to be cleaned and ready for the next time. I have a friend who swears by giving her dogs fresh raw chicken (or turkey) necks or backs. On occasion I have done this and my dogs have had no trouble digesting it. Raw poultry bones don't splinter like cooked ones. Even beef bones will splinter if they are over cooked. Smoked bones sounds like a nice idea but smelly, carpet staining and splintering risk = thumbs down. Not over soaking your dogs dinner will also help. Greyhounds need a little lubrication to help them not choke when they gulp their food down but don't let the food become mush. The crunch of dry dog food will fall off the teeth to be swallowed instead of gathering in the teeth.

Giving some thought to your greyhounds teeth can save you hundreds of dollars in the long run...but feel free to pop those dollars in a envelope and send them over .

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tonight is the Presidential debate. While I really encourage you all to watch the debate. I will watch as much as I can stand which will be about 15 minutes then I will be out playing with my pups. I would like to suggest a political debate format of my own. If it were my world this is what would happen.

The presidential "test" would be as follows.

The first part of the test would consist of both candidates being in a room with 10-15 dogs. After an hour or so I want to see who has the dogs near at hand and who the dogs are avoiding.

The second part of the test would be the candidates going into a room alone with about 20 kids ranging in age from 2-15 years. We would be able to see who is better at negotiation, behavior modification, delegating and organizing.

The third part of the test would be a camera following them after their experiences and seeing what they say after the fact. Would they sprint from the room like it was on fire or would they linger and watch the children or dogs at play? Would they talk about what they would do better next time or only point fingers at their opponent and talk about what the other guy did wrong?

My idea is based on the belief that dogs and kids can tell the difference between the good and bad guys better than any adult or political journalist. This test would clear up all the confusion the debates seem to leave in their wake. As it stands now I might be taking a coin for flipping into the voting booth.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Run, Tava and Iris

This is a story about how two little greyhounds became three little greyhounds...and I ain't talking about a puppy! I picked Run for our group last Oct. She arrived from Kansas on Oct 27th without much fan fair. At first I tried everything to place her. I took her to the rep training and pawned her off on everyone. I tried to get people to foster her. I told everyone about her but nothing ever came together for her. Run was a bit intense and very smart. A bit much for some homes and she was absolutely horrible about cats. The weeks passed and one day I thought, "Heck I may as well give her a little training." Run proved to be super bright and loved the game of training...and I am a sucker for a smart dog! She learned everything I taught her fast. Greyhounds aren't the easiest dogs to train, but Run and I spoke the same language. By about March I started mentioning Run to less people and started thinking maybe I should keep her for myself. She was an easy fit for our home. I mean really, look at those three faces pictured above and tell me they aren't perfect together. Well, then the unexpected happened. The "right" home appeared for Run. They had no cats, had greyhound experience and whats more Run liked them. I grilled them to make sure they were good enough. I made them come out three times before I would even consider telling them she might be available. So Run packed her bags and she went into a home. As they were loading her up, I stood in the driveway amid their joy and happy faces, I was biting my cheek. I had to keep telling myself this was going to be good and not to grab the lead from their hands. My heart broke as I watched her drive away. For the most part things went well in her home. She was loved and it seemed like it was working. Then one day in July I got a call from Vicki. "Run is coming back." I couldn't believe my ears. "What do you mean she is coming back?" I asked. I struggled to wrap my brain around the idea she was being returned, and yet there was that little flicker in my heart. Then Vicki laid it on the line "She is being returned, can you take her?" The little flicker turned into a flame and my response was "How soon can she come home?"

It took a couple of days for the transfer to happen. I was anxious during that worried it might not happen. Before long I was waiting in the driveway for Vicki to arrive with Run. While I was disappointed the home had fallen apart it was all I could do not to click my heels and dance a jig when I saw her. Run had been gone about 7 long weeks. Everyone asked what I was going to do about her and I simply said, "I think Run needs to be evaluated before she is put up for adoption". Which is why she never appeared on the "available" page of the web site. I had to endure the knowing snickers of my friends. I wanted to be sure it really would work. So here we are almost a year later and at last the commitment is cemented. Run is always....

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The saga of Toby the whippet boy is over. This morning amid rush hour traffic Toby darted into traffic on I-90 and was killed. His broken hearted owner is returning home with Toby's body. When I got word I called Dana our greyhound family over there, she had already heard the glum news. I am very proud of Dana and how she took up his cause and gave so much. She spent hours searching went above and beyond. So hug your hounds tonight and give them a extra cookie and remember Toby. We have no guarantees...there is only NOW. Love deeply and often.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The search goes on in Bozeman for Toby the whippet boy. Dana called me yesterday to report in and said that they still are having regular sightings and one searcher even got within 15 feet of him before Toby got nervous and took off again. The good news is that so far he is in good weight so he either knows where to find food or is hunting.

On the greyhound hounds have arrived. We had a nice turn out of folks to help bathe and get them started into home life. Judy even had time to take a few pictures which she posted on the website Allie is so pretty and very much a lady. she stepped off the bus looking like a movie star, while Tildy stepped off looking like she had just got a off a carnival ride. Sparky is already on hold for Christine who came out to bathe and fell head over heels. Kathy was falling fast for Maxline but had to resist since she is already past her limit. Judy was going on and on about Nikki, Zorro was working Wendy and Glen. And me? I was happily getting loves from Romeo. Maxline really needs a foster home. She has a old break in her leg and really could benefit from the TLC of a real home foster home. Call Carol if you have a soft landing soft to foster the old gal.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Toby was seen this eve in the neighborhood of East Main and Highlander. Dana is going out in the morning to search. Please contact her if you can help or if you spot him. 388-3422

Toby is a 2-3 year old brindle with white whippet. He escaped from his pen while attending the big dog show in Bozeman Sept. 17-18. His owner, Claudine, from Canada is desperate for his safe return. This isn't just a dog he is a loved part of their family. Toby may be spooky by now so if you see him don't expect he will come to you. You may be able to lure him near with another sighthound or food. Please do not chase his family at 403-784-2225. If you see him please report all sightings so that we can try to keep track of the area he was last seen in. He was lost from the fairgrounds but reports are causing us to believe he may have moved to Johnson Road area. His owners are making another trip down to search.

Our own Greyhound person in Bozeman is spearheading a search party for him this week-end. If you can help please contact her for details. DANA 388-3422

As if a lost dog isn't enough of a heartbreak...Claudine's 2 year old daughter is waiting for his arrival back home. They were born just weeks apart and are best buddies.

The last month or so has been nothing but a blur of dog events for me and Hot Cha pack. On Labor day I was in Great Falls at an obedience trial with 3 of my aussies and Katy Did the whippet. Since most of you aren't dog show people most of what I am about to say will sound like it is some weird code...stick with me. Dusk (11 year old aussie boy) finished his Rally Advanced title on day one and is now RETIRED from all manner of ring obedience...we will continue to track. Ivy (12 year old Aussie girl) finished her Rally Excellent title and is likely retired as there is nothing else for her to do in obedience. Pixie (4 year old aussie girl) started and finished her Rally Novice title thus launching what I hope will be many years of showing in obedience. When I got to the show I realized that Pixie and I had never actually practiced we faked it. She exceeded my expectations with nice scores and a shining attitude. In Great Falls Katy made her obedience debut with a nice score of 191.5 points (out of 200) and was high scoring hound. The next day she was thrown a curve ball when the judge was in a wheelchair, but we still scored a nice score and secured a second leg. The last day we had a beautiful run going I felt we were in the high 190's but in the very last exercise she went whippet on me. I set her up for her recall (which is coming when called) Everything started great, she sat and waited, I called her, she started to come to me but then she started picking up speed. In just a couple of strides she had a full head of speed going and I was bracing for the impact with my knees. At the last moment she swerved sparing my knees BUT she had up so much speed she bounced out of the ring gate and we were disqualified....dang it. Had lots of comments on her fast recall but unfortunately fast equaled out of control this time...still she is the best bed warmer anywhere. With 3 titles in the bag and 2 legs towards her CD I went home smiling.
The next weekend was lure coursing in Missoula. I hit the field with 3 of my gang, Tava and Iris my greyhound girls and Katy Did. All raring to go and do their favortie thing...RUN!! By the end of the weekend all three had easily earned their Junior Courser titles. After earning her JC, Tava cooled out a little sore and I immediately pulled her from any more runs. By the next morning there was no trace of the soreness but she still stayed home for the rest of the week end. Iris and Katy went on to earn two legs towards the next level title, Senior Courser. For this they have to run with other dogs of the same breed. We had a blast!!
Thursday, Sept. 18th I got up way before the crack of dawn and headed to Bozeman. I showed Katy in obedience again. Her heeling got a little loose but we held it together and earned a decent score and a 3rd place in the class but more importantly we got the last needed leg for her Companion Dog title. We were entered in Helena on the weekend. We skipped Saturday and showed Sunday but should have skipped it too as it was a bust. It has been a successful fall show season for us. We had fun!! These shows will motivate me through the long winter. I have been blessed with GREAT dogs. I love my pups!!

Katy Did does Betty Davis Eyes....Photo by Ron Armstrong

Monday, September 15, 2008

Lets talk about FIRST AID KITS...for greyhounds of course. This past week end Vicki called me when her girl was having some post-op pain. Vicki had never set up a dog first aid quick trip to the store and she has started one. After we chatted I got to thinking maybe everyone would benefit from a list of the top things for a basic first aid kit. You should be able to put together a decent kit for about $30 most things are available at Walmart or from your own cabinets. I have to confess my dog first aid kit is much better than our people first aid kit...and I always am dipping into it for people care.

Find a back pack at a yard sale and clearly mark it DOG FIRST AID. Some loud color will make it stand out in the closet or your trunk. Even a retired big purse can work. Mark it with a big ribbon (which can serve as a muzzle in a pinch)

1) Betadine - The store brand is fine and much in lower price. Diluted to a weak tea color this makes an excellent cleaning solution. All new wounds should be properly cleaned as the first line of defense against infection. When you think you have it clean, clean it again.

2) Neosporin - Basic wound care.

3) Benadryl - You don't want to find out your dog is allergic to bee stings without this on hand.

4) Rymadyl - Available only through your vet for emergency pain and inflammation control. Get enough for at least 48 hours of pain control. If your dog takes a tumble while running this will give your pup much comfort.

5) Vetwrap - This handy self sticking bandage is very versatile. Available at any farm store. Get at least 2 rolls.

6) Digital Thermometer - Walmart is where I buy mine. Take your permanent marker and label it "DOG"!! It is a good idea to write on it the normal dog temp which is within a degree of 100.5 degrees. You will also need lube like KY or Vaseline.

7) Tweezers - something to get out slivers or pluck out stitches

8) Scissors

9) Wrapping material - A hand towel, a roll of cotton, a baggie of cotton balls, a few Q-tips and a couple of maxi-pads (they are amazing on wounds...won't stick and absorb lots). Remember if wrapping a foot to put cotton between every knuckle and pad. Wrap as loose as possible. Greyhound feet are very thin skinned and prone to rubbing through the skin. You can make a minor problem major with one bad wrap.

10) A note pad and pens - Write down everything you do and the time so you can give your vet a complete history.

11) Aspirin for you or your dog - Regular old fashion real aspirin nothing added.

12) Plastic bags - A garbage bag or two and a baggie of baggies

13) A couple packets of sugar or honey. Energy gel if your greyhound is prone to low blood sugar after a run.

14) Pepto Bismol tablets - Much easier to give than the liquid.

15) Hydrogen peroxide- for making dogs throw up.

16) A business card from your vet and other phone numbers you might need in crisis.

If the kit is for the car I usually leave out the betadine (which can cause a big mess) and thermometer. I add a bottle of water and foil wrapped alcohol wipes.

For a more elaborate kit you might add more vet wrap, a tube of energy gel, skin stapler, staple remover, syringe (in a couple sizes), sterile pads, rolls of soft wrapping, sterile water (which is available in a can and will be found by the first aid supplies), electrolytes, Duct tape, A ruler and/or leg splint, bandage scissors, Ace bandage (careful to pad well under this and not to over tighten), bulb syringe, flash light or head lamp, muzzle, small nail scissors, magnifying glass, something to hold water, liniment, flea comb (excellent for getting out foxtails and other seed awns), safety pins, dog paw boots, extra leash, hard candy for people who get faint, pocket knife, handi-wipes and paper towels. If there is something your dog uses on a regular basis, that should be included. Even if you aren't sure how to use everything, chances are you can call and have someone talk you through it. Once you need need it NOW.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Yesterday Juan headed home. Vicki came out here to pick him up and transport him to his new home. She was accompanied by Mama Ducky. It was fun to see Ducky again she is such a sweet girl!! About the time Vicki was heading out Judy showed up with her gang and we ended up going garage saleing, out to lunch and of course to Quality Supply the farm store. I don't know why, but we always seem to end up there.
We only have Jack available for adopt in foster care with a few more hounds headed to Montana. It is funny how the dog you think will head into a home first is sometimes the one who is left behind. Jack is really a great dog. He is handsome, fun spirited and will settle once he is in a home. Having met Jack a few times I can assure you he is top notch!! I am suspecting that there will be some greyhound displaced from their farms by Hurricane Ike. Please consider opening your home to a foster greyhound. Fostering can be a few days or a few months. It is very rewarding and if you are thinking of adding to your family it is a great way to get a chance to check out how a new hound will work into your life! Despite Carol's cajoling I have resisted getting on line and shopping for a foster dog. But I am weak and I am sure I won't be able to resist much longer.
The weather is perfect. I have been busily rotating dogs in and out of the paddocks giving everyone some time in the sun. The wading pools have been freshened and I am busy filling holes. Greyhound love to dig a nice bed to curl into, my Iris is one of the worst...she claims she doesn't "DIG" like some ordinary dog she "NESTS". I wish the dainty little nester would stop it!! She is a little dog for Pete's sake!! Why does she need a "nest" I could trap a rhino in? Seriously her nests are a hazard.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Kiki is HOME!!! 3 weeks to the day and zero calls and no sighting finally Mary and Brian's phone rang with a lead. The caller lived in South Hills and said that she saw what she thought was a deer napping in her yard under a turned out to be Kiki. While still on the phone with the first caller a second lady called and had just seen Kiki too. So Mary and Brian hopped in the van and lead footed it to the area. There was no sign of her at first but then Brian said those magic words, "Mary there she is!!" Kiki was wandering down the road sniffing garbage cans. Brian drove right to her and opened the van door and hauled her in and into Mary's tearful and waiting arms!!! Mary reports that Kiki lost her collar and is thin but unhurt. This deserves some sort of celebration!!!
Kiki was LUCKY to get back home. So many things could have happened to her while she was out wandering around. So a reminder to check your dog's tags. Are they current and legible? Be sure to have both your cell and home numbers on the tag. If you change collars make sure the tag makes the change or have a light collar just for tags. Consider chipping your greyhounds. Yes they have tattoos BUT many shelters don't know how to track those down and most shelters now scan for chips. Also if anyone who is not familiar with your greyhound is going to be in your home either to visit or work keep your dog in a crate or at least closed in a room away from the door. Accidents still happen but lets all commit to reduce the risk for our greyhounds.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Skipper will become known by her race name which is Jill. Reports are that she is settling in. Skipper had a hard time on her transition from farm to adoption kennel. We are happy to report her transition from adoption kennel to forever home was much smoother. Her new momma has glowing things to say about Skipper. She is fitting right in and figuring out home life.
This past week end I was busy at a lure course event with my sight hound girls. The girls had a BLAST chasing the bunny. It started Friday eve and continued on Saturday and Sunday. I ran Iris, Tava and the whippet Katy Did. They must run a course solo and prove they have desire and the ability to chase. This is no problem for our greyhounds. They have to prove this at two separate Junior Courser tests to earn the title of Junior Course from the American Kennel Club. My 3 girls ran Friday and again on Saturday AM and earned their JC titles. Later Saturday there is a Open Trial where dogs who have already won their JCs can compete to earn points and or legs towards higher titles. The big difference is that they run against other dogs of the same breed. Tava seemed slightly off after her run. She was a little sore in her shoulder. It was slight....I saw it immediately but I know how Tava moves. Other people had to really watch for it. Of course I scratched her from the rest of the week end. She seems completely recovered today. Iris and Katy went on to earn two legs towards the 4 needed for the next title, Senior Courser. On Sunday when my girls weren't running I got to act as Hunt Master. I was in charge of releasing the dogs and making sure they were safe while they were on the field. That was really fun. If anyone is interested in trying coursing they occasionally do practice runs in Missoula and welcome new folks. Of course you know our hounds love to run but they also have to be fit to run. The part I love about coursing is watching the different hunting and running styles of the dogs. Greyhounds and whippets are the speed demons. While other hounds hunt by planning ambushes. I watched one Ibiazan hound leaping skyward to watch the lure then try to outsmart it. She guessed wrong and ran out to cut it off by going right....the lure went left...and she was left out in the weeds alone. She made the best of it and had a merry romp.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Skipper is heading home. Henderson's of Billings fell for Skipper!!! She will join greyhounds Gable (was Schist) and Gracious Sylvia...and of course the mighty yorkie Gracie and a cat. HURRAY for Skipper.
Vicki called to let me know Ducky has pretty much taken over the bed and she is beginning to wonder where husband Cliff will sleep. Ducky took to home life guessed it...a Ducky to water!!
Intrepid's family checked in and she is doing really well. Reports are that she walked into the house like she owned it!! Current greyhounds Dolly and Hal had their noses out of joint for a little bit but they are finding their balance. Her owner writes, " When she and Dolly and Hal lay next to each other they look like a pint of Neapolitan ice cream -- vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry!" Now that is BALANCE!!
Speaking of finding a new balance. This week Trish bid a sad farewell to her beloved girl Dessie (Sweet Cheeks) We are not exactly sure what took her so soon. She had been battling a strange infection that ravaged her body. She was on a roller coaster and would feel better than worse. When this last bout started Trish knew it was somehow different. Dessie just didn't have any fight left in her. Putting her own feelings and needs aside she released Dessie from her sick body. Trish said she was so sad the time with Dessie was marked in months and not years but when asked if it was worth it she said "OH YES!!! A million times YES!!" Go on the wings of a dove sweet little Dessie....your time was brief but your love was deep.

Monday, September 1, 2008

To no one's surprise today the call came that Shannon is being adopted by her foster family. Shannon is frequently called "Princess" by her family is fitting right in with her greyhound brother Merlin and the extended family there at the farm. Congrats to all.
This past week end was the 3 day obedience trial in Great Falls. I showed 3 of my aussies and Katy Did the whippet. The show was a successful for me as the Hot Cha team nailed down 4 titles and have two of the three needed legs on another.
No news on Kiki the lost greyhound. No reports of sighting. Nothing. It is hard to accept that she is still on the run. Surely someone must know something of her. Keep your ears open...we havn't lost all hope.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Kiki McDonald has escaped from her home while the family was away on Aug. 20th. This is every one's worst nightmare. Posters, and walkers have canvased her home turf in the Missoula University area. Please keep your ears and eyes open. If you happen to spot her or hear of a sighting please call Mary and Brian immediately. Kiki is timid and it is unlikely she will approach anyone unfamiliar. If you see her just keep track of her until her family can get there. She is greatly missed. If you are too far away to help in the search please send one up for our little lost girl that she may be safe until she can be found.


Mary and Brian McDonald


Monday, August 18, 2008

We all get busy. Summer whips by in the blink of an eye and soon fall will be in the air. It won't be long before we are scratching our heads and wondering where 2008 went. One thing I really love about dogs is their ability to live in the the moment. No whining about what happened to them in the past and not a lot of worrying about how things will work out. If they have trust in a good owner then they are happy. I love sharing my life with them. I love when my old girl, Izzy, bumps my hand during the night for a gentle caress. I see it as love but it may be her way of telling me to roll over and stop snoring. I love when my dogs jump up to greet me and I even love it when they lay there and watch me knowing they are secure enough not to have to greet me. Dogs are wonderful....and our retired racers are some of the best. Not only are greyhounds wonderful soulful companions they are like living with art. Those sculptured muscles and flowing lines....breath taking! Although I am not technically a placement rep this last week or so I have been able to help out in that respect. It is so rewarding to hear the stories of how a new dog is settling in. Talking to that first time adopter is really magic. Where those magic moments start is at places like Pet Fest and the other public events we participate in. This important link in the chain of making a placement happen is really weak...weak to the point of breaking. Public appearances seem to fall onto the shoulders of the same 4-6 families. Some of those families have invested years in these events and need a break from it to recharge their batteries. If you have thought you would like to get more involved even if it is just once a year please do. We have a lot of fun when we get together. It is a rare opportunity to share ideas and stories. For example at PetFest we talked a lot about the new dog food we are trying out at the foster kennels. You find out the best place to buy new collars and beds and sometimes tricks for making life with dogs easier. We share laughs and can talk openly about how much we love our dogs without feeling the least bit strange. These public moments are some sort of therapy. But one of the best things that happens is watching someone meet a greyhound for the first time. You can see the light in the new person's eyes as they swoop down to their knees to get a closer look and maybe a hug. Sharing your beautiful loved greyhound in this fashion is incredible. When that person ends up adopting a greyhound of their own you will feel the satisfaction of knowing YOU helped that happen by taking the time to sharing your greyhound. People always remember the first greyhound they meet. Let it be yours.

Right now there are many opportunities to help. We are in desperate need of fresh faces and ideas. One of the things that is coming up is the U of M home coming parade. Unless we get people committed to making it happen it may go by the way side. We are open to ideas and new ways to do it. If you are willing to be on a committee to please contact us immediately. Elaine is also anxious to get more going on in the Kalispell area but needs help. It doesn't mean you have to tackle a giant task....if everyone does a small bit we can have the best group ever....and the real winners will be the greyhounds!!!

In Missoula contact Laura at lhenning@RMEF.ORG or
Judy at
In Kalispell contact Elaine at

Friday, August 15, 2008

Looks like Teddy Bear will head to Great Falls this week end. He has been claimed!! What a great week this has been for moving dogs!! After weeks of dogs waiting finally a break. Remember Pet Fest is this week end. You don't have to sign up to come down and visit. Of course it is nice if you sign up so we know that we have coverage. But if you suddenly have a chunk of time on Saturday please come down to show off your pup. We will have some of the foster dogs there. So even if you don't want to bring your dog...bring your people skills and help spread the word about retired racing greyhounds.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Yesterday was Ducky's birthday. You will all be pleased to hear that Ducky got her birthday wish. A home of her own!! early in the week Carol mentioned to me that Vicki K. was thinking of adding another greyhound after the loss of her dear old pup, CJ. I immediately was on the phone to Vicki and asked her to consider Ducky. Vicki said "Funny you should call I have been thinking about this very thing!" Last evening Vicki and Cliff of Missoula brought their two greyhound girls, Abby and Jaz, out to meet their new sister Ducky. Things went very well. Cliff laughed when Ducky started playing with a toy. He already is calling her MD (short for Mama Ducky). HURRAY!!! I will take Ducky into Missoula on Saturday and turn her over to Vicki. Ducky will officially join the red headed pack of the Klein family.
Pizzazz has been spoken for and is searching for a ride to the Kalispell area. Anyone going to the lake soon?
Shannon also is in a new spot. It is technically a foster home but it has lots of potential to firm up into an adoption.
That leaves Miss Skipper here at my place. Skipper gets cuter every day. She takes a while to relax but is one of the sweetest and easiest foster dogs. Comes when I call and never causes any trouble. I don't think I would put her in a home with a busy family just because of the chaos level would overwhelm her...but she would shine in a settled routine home.

Tripps are fostering the boys, Juan, Jack and Teddy Bear. If things keep moving along this way maybe we will be able to help some more greyhounds. Next haul is Sept.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Summer is whipping by me at the speed of a greyhound. I can't believe we are already to the middle of August. This summer has been a blur of company. Darrin's nieces came and stayed a couple of weeks and a few days later my nieces came and stayed for 3 weeks. While it is nice not to have teenagers to keep track of I do miss them. There is no one to watch late night movies with.
We have several nice greyhounds that need homes. I have 3 wonderful greyhound ladies in waiting here. Mama Ducky is still waiting and waiting and waiting....where on earth is her family? She has so much going for her I just can't believe she is still here waiting. Skipper is doing wonderfully. When she arrived she was pretty stressed her little world had been turned upside down. She is settling in but I can't wait to see how much she really blossoms in a home of her own. She is so elegant, the picture of grace and the sweet personality to match. Then there is Pizazz who is cute and fun. We had a serious nibble on her from a home up north but nothing has happened so far so she is still waiting. In the mean time we did help an Afghan Hound find a home in Billings. Best wishes to Roman in his new home with Cindy! Bold Speed went home with Stacy a couple weeks ago. He is such a baby Huey....but reports are he is settling right in and loving his new life. His new name will be Bodie and he will live in Missoula. We will see if he can learn to walk on a lead in his new home.
At Tripps there are 6 greyhounds waiting. Intrepid and Oliver have been spoken for but they have 3 handsome boys and one darling senior girl who are waiting for homes of their own. This week end is Pet Fest in Missoula if anyone would like to take one of the foster dogs in to meet folks we can arrange it.

Friday, August 1, 2008

When Jack first bound out into the yard to have his picture taken I thought "Oh boy he is too much!" But soon everyone was laughing out loud watching his funny antics. He is big, beautiful and silly. In 2 minutes he ran like a wild thing, played fetch, cooled off by wading and then looked drop dead gorgeous for pictures. He squeezed more living into those two short minutes than most dogs do in a whole day. If Jack was a person he would be the guy EVERYONE knows and wants to know better. What a great dog!!

Jack will turn three years old in Sept. and he sure would love to celebrate his birthday in his own home. He likes all people and plays well with other dogs....although he may overwhelm the meek. With Jack in the house you will never be bored or lonely. Unlike many active dogs Jack will settle and is a honey.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I love this picture of Skipper. It really shows the soft side of her. She is a dog easily overwhelmed but she really wants to be a good girl. She is just now learning how to be a real dog...which must be somewhat like the process the velveteen rabbit went through to become "real".

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Seems there is a lot to tell. We have new pictures of Pizazz and Skipper which should be on the web site soon. Saturday brought new dogs from Oklahoma. 6 new beauties to find homes for in Montana. The picture above is taken at the meeting spot just before we loaded them up to take them to the bath house. Note that the fawn and brindle that Paulette has her hand on is Juan who is actually WHITE and brindle. Here he is with his flea shampoo soaking....he has had 3 shampoo lathers at this point. The pretty brindle in the picture is Jack. Click on the picture for a larger view so youu can see his handsome face.

We didn't have a lot of helpers on this bath day but the people who came worked hard scrubbing dogs and walking them after their baths. Here is Paulette and Carol scrubbing Oliver (brother to Tripps handsome boy Robbie.) Judy and Trish were doing a last minute transport of Junebug who is now settling in with greyhound sisters Lilly, Tessa and Betty.

Bold Speed turned out to be a big BABY. He isn't sure he should have to walk on a lead. So when Jeff took him out to dry in the sun and to potty. Bold Speed decided he couldn't walk back so rather than risk him pulling out of his collar Jeff packed him for about half a block. I bet Jeff wish he stayed closer to the truck.
Not pictured are Sweet Shannon a 9 year old tiny brindle retired brood mama. She is recovering tonight from a spay, dental which revealed few healthy teeth and a eye infection. She sure would love some TLC from a loving foster or forever home. Debbie quickly was falling under the spell of Shannon while she walked her and rubbed her dry. Her sweet personality is exactly the reason she came to Montana. When Tripps met her Carol reports that Shannon hopped right in the truck with them and laid her head on Dan's shoulder. He was smitten!! Now some lucky home is going to have the fortune of adopting her. Also not pictured is Teddy Bear, a handsome red boy with the sweetest chocolate drop eyes.
Sunday afternoon Darrin and I loaded up a couple of dogs and went on a over night camp trip to a remote lake in the high country. When we passed through a heavily flowered alpine meadow I insisted Darrin stop the car. I took the pups on a nice walk and then we sat in the grass together. If this is what Heaven is like I won't be disappointed!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

At long last a picture of Intrepid. She is a absolute DOLL. In describing her to Judy I said, "This dog is as close to Belle (of Belle Toll fame) of any dog I have ever met". Intrepid is sweet, curious, pretty and will look you right in the eye. I was quickly falling for this I sent her back to Tripps as soon as they were back home. Thinking of opening your home to a deserving retired mama? Don't wait!! This little honey is really something.

Love in June (AKA Junebug) has a home and is waiting to catch a ride to the Billings area. She will be joining the Wright family in Circle. They already share their home with a pack of wonderful greyhounds...yep they have the disease.

More hounds will arrive this week end. Check out the incoming hounds on the website.

The other big news is that Merlin went home!! Merlin is busy working his magic on his new family and reports are that they think Merlin is close to perfect.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The dog show was good...not great but good. I was pretty tired after 3 days of showing and was really ready for a day OFF. My dogs did well with both Jonah (Ital. Greyhound) and Katy Did (Whippet) earning their titles. Dusk and Ivy my Aussies worked at a higher level and earned "legs" towards their titles which will come later. Judy came to watch on Tuesday. As luck would have it when we went over to check out the group rings, the hounds were showing. Zoolander (Lori G.'s greyhound boy) was in the ring strutting his stuff. The group ring is a lot of work and Zoo looked great!! Many of you may remember meeting Zoo at the picnic.

All of the greyhound girls are here with me now. What a nice bunch of girlies. It is hard to pick a favorite!! Tomorrow starts the shuffle to get them all to the vet and ready to start their look for homes. And of course we still have wonderful Ducky waiting!! We will be getting pictures of the new girls in the next day or so.

For those of you who missed the picnic or want to remember it... Darrin put a snip of video up on You Tube. There are such classic moments as Kerry and Barb getting their picture with their four greyhound boys....this is before the little girl pup arrives to turn their world upside down. Our girl Katie telling us about her fund raising efforts and of course Brent masterfully playing the crowd and donning on "The Psychedelic Dream Socks"

Friday, June 20, 2008

Good news bad news..... The bad news is Farley will not be coming to Montana....the good news is the reason is he has HOME!!! So we are back to 4 girls.

Here is the web site so you can watch them cross the country

Thursday, June 19, 2008

OK I can't resist....check this out Give him commands like dance, sing, play dead, roll over and don't forget to ask for a kiss!!
Dogs are coming this Saturday night!!! We are getting a total of 5. If you want to be on the call list to come meet them and help bathe them contact Carol at Be sure to email her your phone number. It will probably be late....they are saying 11 PM but that can shift a couple hours either direction depending on what happens en route. So here is who will be coming in...
Prima Intrepid - 9 year old Fawn Female - We don't have a picture of her. Kate in Kansas practically begged us to take her. She said Intrepid needed to move!! So we will scootch over and make a little room for a little red headed old lady.

Spazz is a 4.5 year old black girl. She will be shopping for a new name soon I believe. She is small and sweet tempered.
Skipper - White with black female. Her race name was Jill Walker she is 5 years old and loves loves people. Her father is related to Judy and Brent's old girl Frosty. Skipper's dad is Frosty's uncle. So I guess that makes them cousins. She has 5 pups on record and had a decent race career. Now she will retire to Montana.

June - Black 4 year old female. Happy and cat tested fine (of course we will retest her). She had a full race career running in mostly "A" and "B" races. She was in the money a lot. With a race name of Love in June how could you go wrong?
UPDATE....Never mind.....Farley was spoke for and is headed to a HOME....he won't be headed to Montana
Farley - He raced under the name of Dutch Farley. They refer to him as a "Brushstroke Brindle" as he only has a few stripes. He is very super friendly and cat tested fine. Kate said he was just awesome!! It is funny how attached you start to get to the dogs that are ordered for here. Each one you feel is going to be the best one ever. It becomes hard to pick a dog who you are the most excited to meet. I will have to wait to meet them....Sunday kicks off the big dog show in Missoula and I will be busy showing 4 dogs. So all the pups will head to Tripps for the first few days then come to my place after the show on Tuesday. BTW if anyone wants to come to the show but needs to know what is going on the schedule is posted at The show is Sunday, Monday and Tuesday....if you want to see much you have to come out early. Itis not at all uncommon for a show to be wrapping up by about 1 PM.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

The picnic was a BLAST!!! I wish more folks had been able to come out...but we were having too much fun to miss you...AND we made some $$ for the hounds. Katie B. came out and told us how after she met the greyhounds at the mall she decided to put out donation jars for greyhounds. She collected a nice sum for donation. I am impressed with her initiative. Speaking of which thanks of those who rounded up the donations for the auction. As soon as Run was adopted her new family started asking for donations and they rounded up some great gift certificates...Thanks Jen!! Also in the crowd was Amber, a referral from that new adopter enthuasiam!! Amber just turned in her application and came out to meet some of the available wasn't long before she and Merlin were swooning...she is anxious to have her home visit done so she can ADOPT. Foster dog Ducky made the debut of her adorable collar that has little rubber duckies on the fabric. Thank you to Ducky's Auntie Glenda at Collar Closet in NJ. She also donated a couple of cute collars for the auction.

The auction was well stocked with a variety of things, a nearly new complete dell computer, gift certificates, artwork, dog coats and even a cherry pie!! Kathy B. brought her insanely wonderful red pepper jelly. Trish brought some wonderful pendants handcrafted by her son who is a glass artist in Bozeman and she brought Stroopwafle cookies....YUM...a new addiction!!! I made some wild colored socks with a matching fleece dog coat for the auction. Remember those black light posters that were popular in the 70's? This is where the fabric got inspiration for it's colors, black background and wild oranges, yellows, blues and purples. Somehow in Brent's effort to raise the bid he said something to the effect that for a price he would model those crazy socks...then it became for $50 he would wear them the rest of the day. Bek was trying to rally the crowd to throw in together and come up with the money. Then out of the noisy banter came Lou Elmore's quiet steadfast voice...."I'd like to see that...I offer $50!" The bidding ended and Brent pulled on the socks while Lou looked on with eyes dancing. Judy was thankful there were only socks and not any underwear in the auction!! But that is another story....a true story...better left for her to tell. Then came what I thought might be the saddest part of the day....the stained glass that had graced my window for a couple of days came up on the auction block. All my hopes of them forgetting it were dashed. The bidding took off and as it slowed I jumped in. When it ended I had the winning bid!! WOOHOO!!! The stained glass will stay right where it is to be treasured!! As the day wound down I cruised over to the Collar Crazy's booth just to see if they had a collar I couldn't live without. Of course it took me all of 30 seconds to spot the perfect collar for Tava...yes another one!! I also scored a candle and some dog cookies from Big Dog Spa. Next year we are looking at the second week end in July. Put it on your calendar NOW and start a little piggy bank for next year's auction. In the meantime if you are feeling sad you missed out be sure to visit our donors and soothe your need to spend money.

Friday, June 13, 2008

The greyhound picnic is TOMORROW!!!
I can hardly believe it is here already. Tripps stopped by yesterday and brought a load of things for the auction including Carol's gorgeous stained glass greyhound artwork. We hung it up in my window in the training room...already I am attached to it...I will be sad when some lucky person buys it. There will be some good things in the auction I can't wait!!! Tripps also brought by the new GPA crate bank for here. I need to get plywood cut for the floors but it is here so everyone can see it. We bought it with money from the Belle Toll!! It is really nice and will house my foster pups.

Last Sunday was a tracking test up near Clearwater Junction. Dusk (my aussie boy) and I were lucky enough to be drawn to participate in the "Track Dog Excellent" test (TDX). It is a upper level test with a 800+ yard track over varied terrain with several corners and multiple articles for him to find. The articles can be anything from a glove, wallet, sock or anything fabric, plastic or leather. As if that isn't hard enough the track is aged over 3 hours AND it will have cross tracks. A cross track is two people who will walk across your track in 2 places. It is a difficult test with only a 15% pass rate nation wide. But Dusk is a fabulous tracker and I work hard to be a good handler and team mate for him. The morning was cool and wet but at least it wasn't pouring. After watching the first dog fail before he even got off the first leg of the track I was more determine than ever to focus. The first leg of my track followed under some power lines. The lines were humming and snapping in the wet weather. Dusk was not bothered by the static but I knew that this is why the first dog who is sound sensitive failed. Dusk did his first corner with out a problem and we sailed through the second leg. Another corner and we started up a slight slope. I saw him working his cross tracks by carefully checking them and then he was back on his track. Before long I saw his head dip and he blew air through his nose in a snort but then he kept going. I got to that spot and looked around but failed to see the first article. Dusk indicated but not in his typical way. We missed the first article....a plastic checkbook cover. We flunked at that point but since Dusk was tracking strong we were allowed to keep tracking without the judges but with the person who had laid the track. Another corner and we went along the side of the hill where he found the a ratty slipper which he grabbed and bought to me. This is how he usually indicates a article with a good retrieve!! Then our track turned up hill. It was a bit of a climb and I was puffing...busting a lung. When we crested the hill we had a panoramic view of the valley below with the filtered sun making diamonds of the rain drops. It was breathtaking!!! I wish I could some how capture it for all of you to share. I called to my tracklayer "This is Heaven!!". I felt such partnership and peace with my dog and the whole world. Dusk continued to track along the ridge until his head dropped down and he brought up his final article a leather glove. There is such joy in tracking with heart was full. Tracking is unlike any other dog sport in its demand for partnership. We didn't get our title this time but honestly I feel very satisfied with our work. We will try to get into the tracking test that will be held in the fall to get our TDX title. Working with a dog at such a high level is both exhilarating and humbling...I am a lucky girl.

Friday, June 6, 2008

REMINDER - June 7th is the big Greyhound Garage sale in Billings. Contact Trish or Bek if you need more details. They still need people to help out on the day of the sale.
The foster dog scene seems to be changing around here almost daily. Merlin, Gold and Chili are all spoken for!! Merlin will be heading north to Kalispell. He was chosen as a companion by a woman who needed a sweet and gentlemanly greyhound. Hopefully connections can be made this week end for him. If anyone is traveling between Missoula and Kalispell and can transport a pup please call Carol and Dan Tripp to make arrangements. His home is waiting to shower him with love.

When the Bjarko family of Sydney suffered the unexpected loss of their beloved greyhound boy Reese they felt the need to fill that hole with another greyhound boy. The problem became which greyhound boy. While mom fell in love with Gold the boys could not get Chili out of their minds. So they decided to jump in and adopt BOTH!! They are hoping to make the move this week end via a leap frog system of transport. It is all set up except the Great Falls to Havre leg. I for one am looking forward to the pictures of that homecoming!!

Dori will also move this week end. Kathy B. of Missoula has agreed to foster Dori. She goes into this knowing it likely will turn into a long term foster. Dori is very sweet but really needs a steady routine and prefers not to have men in the home. We were going to wait until the picnic for Dori to move but the more we chatted the more we got to thinking why wait? Dori may as well make the move and settle in. Tripps have given Dori excellent care and send her into her new foster home with a lot of love....they even say she can come back if she isn't happy...but we all have the feeling she will blossom under Kathy's tender care.

I have visited Run in her new home and she is settling in. Her name has been adjusted from generic Run to feminine Karly. Karly will learn her new name but I am not so sure I can be retrained. I need to call her by her right name after all I am her dog-god mother. She is doing wonderful and her new family are certain they got the best dog in the world. Which is exactly what every adopter should think.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Today was Bakarly Run's birthday and she got what she really wanted...A HOME!! Jennifer has been coming out and meeting and playing with dogs. First she met Merlin and the rest of the gang at Tripps. Then she came here and met Gold and Ducky. Of course she saw Run too but my heart was being torn with worry about Tigger and after all these months I had started to think of Run as mine. Based on the first visit I told her I didn't think Run was a match. The first visit Run didn't really interact with the kids...but by the third visit Run was enjoying the kids and Jennifer had proven herself as a good greyhound home. The final straw was the morning of the last visit as I was saying good morning to my greyhound girls Iris and Tava. I held their faces together in my hands and knew for the first time Run wasn't mine. I felt I had my girls...all of them right there. Of course I missed Tigger and I am sure she near. When Jennifer came out I could see the magic happening between them and I did what foster homes are meant to do....I let go. Reports from Jennifer are glowing. Run is settling in and finding all her favorite spots to nest. It is amazing how fast love can be transferred. Seriously I have tended her every need for months the least she could do is miss me a little...sigh dogs... Run and I have a special friendship....she didn't throw my love away but used it as a stepping stone into her new home. Little Run Run is home and I am very happy for her!!

Also on the road to new homes this week were Venture and Hairspray. Tami made the trip south to meet the boys Chili and Venture. She adopted another greyhound, Chuck, over a year ago. She said Chuck is really coming out of his shell and starting to play. Tami decided they were ready for another greyhound and Venture seemed like the match!!! Soon to be home is Hairspary. Dana and Mitch from Bozeman were over this direction this week end and took her home with them where Trish will pick her up and deliver Hairspray to her new owner, who by the way is already talking about a new name for her. I have met Hairspray and I am pretty sure her new name is going to be something like "Get off me!" or "Hey bring that back!" She is the cutest little imp!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I am sad to report the loss of our friend and my family member Tigger (aka Kiowa Margo). She lived over 15 glorious years and brought us much love and joy in the past 3 years she shared with us. Tigger came to us via a "give away" ad in the Missoula newspaper. Judy called and made arrangements to pick her up immediately then called me to ask if I could foster her. Really, I was only going to foster and the fact that the first greyhound I ever placed was named Tigger was simply a coincidence. Later I learned that she shared a birthday with my beloved aussie girl, Izzy....again I said this is NOT a sign it is a coincidence. She had been here about a week and one night I was playing with the dogs and I said "Everyone Sit", Tigger came running over and popped herself into the nicest sit. I was shocked by this un-greyhound like behavior. This certainly seemed like a lot of coincidences. It was then that I decided that 3 solid coincidences equal one big sign from above. That very night Tigger moved her little self from the kennel to the house and never looked back. Sure, adopting a 12 year old dog may seem like throwing your heart away, but that is not how it was wonderful. Tigger was Iris' best buddy. She was so unassuming and nothing bothered her, a behavior that Iris' started to emulate. You would think I would leave a old dog alone but when the rest of the pack participated in a Canine Good Citizen test last year, Tigger at 14 years was not left out and was tested too. Her sit was a bit wobbly, and her down slow and careful but her desire to please shone through and she passed the test earning her first and only obedience title. On her 14th birthday and Izzy's 13th we threw a great dog party. Complete with ice cream and liver cake. That party is still talked about. There were about 15-20 dogs all loose together eating and socializing. Amazingly everyone was on their best behavior and we had a blast. Tigger loved to wear nice collars. I have never known a dog who even noticed their collar. Tigger did. This spring I bought a nice soft lime green fabric collar for her. It was the last collar she wore. It is in my pocket at this very moment and now dries my tears.

A month or so ago I noticed Tigger limping and it seemed difficult for her to get comfortable sometimes. I started to offer her pain reliever. I suspected osteosarcoma and started to hear the clock ticking. Tick tick tick. When Tig first came home Iris and her shared a bed for a few days. They both seemed to need the connection and comfort. Some of you may remember the yin and yang picture of them . After those first few days I never saw them share a bed again until last week. There they were side by side. I knew that they were going through the process of letting go and saying good bye. Tick tick tick. As the days passed I needed to make the dreaded vet appointment which would confirm what I already knew. When Tigger started needing a double dose of pain meds I could wait no longer. Tick tick tick. I noticed small changes in her, she panted more and her balance was off just a bit. I saw less of the smiling Tigger I loved. One glance at that x-ray and my heart sank. The affected bone was speckled with damage and the edges eaten away. As much as I hated the idea of letting Tigger go the risk of a break was too high to be ignored. Tick tick tick. So I made an appointment for later in the day. Tigger and I headed to McDonalds bought hamburgers. Then we came home and pulled her big bed into the sun and snuggled and shared cookies with the rest of the pack. Darrin left work early and together we took Tigger to be released from her sick little body. Together we wrapped her in a favorite blanket and delivered her body to the crematorium. As I was saying good bye I told her I would miss her stubborn streak...heaven forbid you should reach for her collar to guide her. I will miss her big chocolate drop eyes. I will miss how on the rare occasion she escaped she would hobble away as fast as her old legs could take her like some rest-home escapee with a walker. But the thing I will miss the most is her sweet little yip bark. She used that bark to call to me, to find me or if she needed help getting up. A soft little yip. Last night as I was falling to sleep I heard her yip...a last sweet good bye...a prayer answered. Judy told me Tigger's last owner never even said good bye to her or gave her a farewell pat. I can tell you when Tigger left this time she was surrounded by love. Her soft coat damp with tears and dried with loving caresses. Tigger is loved and missed by her whole family....dogs and people.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The lure coursing weekend was way fun for me. Saturday was the day the AKC rep gave a seminar. At the end of the seminar we were tested. A good test score is required of anyone wanting to become a lure course judge. I passed. I still have several requirements but I have the test out of the way if I decide to pursue it. Coursing is not about who is fastest. It is really about who displays the most hunting skill. They are scored on 5 criteria; Follow, Agility, Speed, Endurance and Overall ability. So speed is only a small part of the score, in fact a lot of speed can work against them as it makes turns and staying on the lure much harder. Tava has her big thick tail to help her rudder. Check out the difference in the picture between Iris who is in pink and Tava's tails.
Sunday was actual coursing. I took Iris, Tava and Katy Did the whippet. First all the dogs run against the other dogs of their breed in groups of 3. Since I had the only greyhounds my girls ran together. The course was small and my girls were not ready for it to be over so quickly. Both ran cleanly and safely. Tava was dancing at the end of her slip even after her first run. Tava and Iris scored within a couple points of each other with Tava gaining the edge. Katy ran against a whippet from Billings. It was her first time running with another dog and I was pleased with how well she did. She scored second but I was hit with a point penalty for early release. After everyone runs they reverse the course, so if they were going clockwise they now drag the lure counter clockwise. Again Tava edged out Iris which made her "Best of Breed". Katy ended up second by a narrow margin. Then they can run a third time in what is called "Best in Field". For BIF they run against the top dog from each breed, again in groups of 3. Tava was still game so I let her run. She ran against a Ridgeback and a Borzoi. After all the dogs ran I was thrilled at the awards to learn that little Tava Beanie won Best in Field!!! I took home so tired and happy pups!!