The Spring Fling at the mall was fun. I was there about 3 hours and handed out at least a million brand new brochures. I figure anyone who pets the dogs for more than 30 seconds needs one. Huge thanks to the Grabbers for printing these up and having them ready for the spring events. Also thanks to Laura for putting the Spring Fling together and to all who took time out of their day to show off their hounds. I shared my time at the booth with first Laura and greyhound Abby and Mark, Melissa and greyhounds Rotini and Zeke. Then later with Vicki and greyhound Mamma Ducky and Hank, Katherine and greyhound Lemon. I took 3 of my 4 girls in. Iris was good but was ready for a nap after an hour. Tava was pretty nervous, I tired to let Darrin take her back out to the van but she was NOT leaving the other hounds, so she stayed. Run wore one of the donation coats and was great at getting top dollar. The girl knows how to work a crowd! I saw more than one person put a twenty in her coat. After about an hour we actually had to empty her pockets. A very good problem!! When ever Run saw serious petting going on she was on her way to horn in on it. At the end of my shift I decided my life would not be complete without a picture of the gang with the Easter bunny. Tilly was in the van so Darrin brought her in we trooped over to give the poor guy in the bunny suit a thrill. Actually it was pretty clear he wasn't a dog person, all he really wanted was not to be touched. ICKY dog germs. Once I got the pictures I laughed out loud at how his friendly bunny face translated to a look of horror. His little mouth looks like he could be letting out a little scream. So now the hounds and I are ready to crash and Tilly...well she is still running full tilt. I have got to go take that stupid squeak toy away from her!! "SQUEAKAH SQUEAKAH SQUEAK!!" I need Advil.
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