Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Computers make me CRAZY!!! I have spent the last hour and a half trying to pay my stupid credit card bill on line. It has always been an easy thing but today my card company decided to spice it up a little and make it nearly impossible. UGH!!! On the other hand computers off set the pure frustration with the joy of being in touch with far away friends and family. I joined Face book finally and in the past month I have found several people I longed to find. It was such a thrill to find my collage pal whom I have looked for many times over the past years. So I guess I deep down love my computer despite the moments of wanting to kick it to the curb.

Most of you have probably heard that the dogs that were going to come in this week end had to wait an extra week while the hauler was repaired. Unfortunately for me the delay means I can't be there to greet them. I have a dog show that weekend which I have committed to go to. Hmmm maybe I only need to go to one day of the dog show. I hate to miss the greyhound fun.

Tilly the pup is growing and really leggy right now. She is a smarty pants and I love it. I honestly can not believe what Darrin and I let her get away with. Who knew a old hardened dog person like me could let all the rules slide. When she comes tearing back into the bedroom after her morning potty break and leaps on I bounce her fuzzy little butt off the bed? No I grab her and snuggle in with her in my arms. When she sits between Darrin and I on the couch it is like neither of us even remember that dogs are not allowed on the furniture. In some weird way it pleases me when Darrin greets me with a "hi" and looks at the little princess and thrills "TILLY!!!" Yep we have gone soft.

Dusk had another chest x-ray yesterday. There is slight improvement...although the mass is still there all the secondary inflammation is gone. So we will keep him on meds another month or so and check him again. My 9 year old aussie girl Sage had to go in too. She has started peeing her bed and I noticed her straining to pee. I worried she might have bladder stones but on her x-ray nothing showed up and her urine is free of crystals. For now we are treating her for a UTI....hopefully that is all it is. It is a good thing my vet gives me a bit of a frequent flier discount!!

We have been enjoying some of the warmest days in April history. I have been able to make good use of my clothes line. I answered my own question of if sheets dried on the line are really that much better. The answer is YES!!! They are indeed worth the extra work.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you don't mind me commenting! We fostered Molly, and I miss her. She is headed your way on the hauler! Please find her a good home. Here is our groups blog:
