Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Mother Ducky

Mother Ducky with Daughter Tava
Usually when dog relations reunite it is anti-climactic. There is usually 3 seconds or less of excitement followed by several minutes of boredom and yawning as the dogs almost immediately lose interest in each other. This was not the case when Tava saw her mom again. She greeted her with bright eyes and tail going 100 miles a minute. Tava was thrilled to see her mom again. In the paddock Tava tends to hang out with her mom as much as possible. It is very sweet to see them together. Ducky isn't nearly as excited but doesn't seem to mind Tava's adoration. Ducky is a fun old girl!! Likes to get out and move and can usually be found leading the pack in some merry game of chase. Ducky is the kind of old brood I absolutely love. She is sweet without being needy, she is silly without being stupid and busy without being wild. I hope Tava grows up to be just like her mom!! Honestly I would love to keep Ducky here but with so many dogs already in the family I really want Ducky to have a couch and people of her very own. I do hope she stays close by and of course who ever adopts her will be REQUIRED to stay in touch!! Thanks to Tammy and Alan Piper the breeders of these two girls (and of all the Nitro dogs) for trusting me with your friend Ducky!! We will see to her happiness!!

1 comment:

  1. What sweeties! I hope Ducky finds a nearby home so she and Tava can have play dates together.

    Hugs from Oregon...
