Monday, December 31, 2007
Well it is just minutes after the new year and already Darrin is asleep in bed and I am on my way out to let the dogs have one more turn out and to pass out the best treats I could find. I am so blessed to have the best husband, the best dogs and the best friends in the world!! Money? I have little...riches I have MUCH!!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007

PS....if your hated mother law or horrible neighbor who is a stripper is named Charm...I don't want to hear about it!
Thursday, December 27, 2007

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Other good news...Izzy is holding her own. She is eating and alert. She isn't able to walk without help but hopefully that will come soon. Izzy walking on her own for Christmas would be a great gift!!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
My sweet Aussie girl Izzy has been very sick. X-rays revealed a mass of undetermined origin. could be a tumor or it is possible it is part of the lung which is either swollen or displaced because of swelling else where. Cancer has not been ruled out....but neither has pancreatitis. Either way the long term prognosis is questionable. Although she is weak she is not having any pain. So we will stay the course and pray for improvement. Even if this is the final part of her life I am determine to make the most of it. Since I can not control the wave I have two choices....I can drown or try to ride the scary wave and do my level best....I am committed to the second option.
On a much brighter note. I talked to my cousin who adopted Scratchy and Timber this past summer. She is completely in love with her greyhounds. She did confess she is considering putting another bed in her room so she has a place to go when her two bed hogs squeeze her out. She sighed as she told me her leisurely walks have turned into jogs. Paula said she will be in the best shape of her life if this keeps up. She commented that she must be a sight clomping along the winter roads in her sweats, big Sorrel pack boots her hair pillow mashed and combed by the wind. I laughed and told her not to worry because no one will even see her when she has greyhounds. It is an interesting phenomena that I can look like the biggest slob in the world and if I have a greyhound at the end of a leash I feel dressed up. The absolute best is if you are lucky enough to have TWO as night is the most elegant of colors...but any greyhound will certainly improve yourself image.
Friday, December 14, 2007

We have had a little bit of movement in the greyhound community. We were asked to take in a greyhound boy from a family that had moved here from out of state. Currently Rocket is in Billings and being evaluated. Initial reports are that he is a very nice and handsome boy. Nitro Dorris was also returned. This was a case of a mis-match. Dori is a bit on the timid side and the activity of a family home was overwhelming to her. As painful as it was her home decided to let her go so she could try to find a better match. Dori is at Tripps and being evaluated and will start her search for the perfect spot for her. Run is still here. She is as active and fun as she can be. She is a bright little cookie...she can be a little demanding....but what a girl!! She my two younger girls, Iris and Tava go out to play together often. They make quite a trio all bundled up. The weather has been mostly over cast and chilly but not horrible cold or wet. We are all ready for some sun.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Monday, December 3, 2007

She was so hilarious her first romp in all that snow over a week ago. We got a good foot up here on the bench. She was a wild girl racing around. It was amazing the speed she had in that depth. Kissie loves to ride in the car as well. Its now a daily thing, she and Nuzz get to come take the kids to school, and pick them up at the bus stop at the end of the day, and sometimes take rides into town if I only have a quick in and out stop to make. She really enjoys it. Comes all the way up to the front from the back-back. Nuzzle doesn't mind, at least she's not 'bitching' at him on occasion. She likes to lay on the second seat when the kids aren't in the car. She also likes to lay on the bed on the nights Sean's not home. And there are the mornings that I don't rise soon enough for them and the two of them will jump on me. Literally lay on me, pinning me. Its hard enough to get one off, but the two of them, its not fair! They're so big! And usually they are nibbling on body parts, pawing at me, roo-ing, jumping on me. Quite the incentive to get out of bed. And Kissie's nickname could be shadow. She follows me everywhere now. Lays in whatever room I'm in. And she's so close to my side sometimes I actually step on her. I'm getting used to her being there, or behind me when I turn quickly say in the kitchen or bathroom. And I know I'm still not seeing all of her personality yet. I'm still amazed at how she was fostered for so long---- and THANKFUL because she's ours! And she just adores Sean. When he comes home for the weekend, or say from his hunting trip, she's so excited to see him. Her tail waging, jumping all over him after he gives the okay. She just loves him.
All is well in the Hardy house.
Well that is all for me for a week or so...I am leaving this rain drenched state for sometime in the sun. We are heading to AZ and then Mexico. If it keep raining like this we will need a ark instead of a plane to get out of here. Adios
Sunday, December 2, 2007

Monday, November 26, 2007

Saturday, November 17, 2007
After we left the bath house we had another appointment... 2 more Italian Greyhounds from Great Falls. A tiny delicate little female and a handsome boy. Both of these will head to our sister GPA group in Idaho. Whew it has been a long dog day and at 10:30 I am ready to head out and do my last turn out and then hit the shower...and of course the old dog is barking at me because she NEEDS something. I think all she needs is to see my little face. For all her years of being quiet and laid back she sure is making up for it now.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
As some of you may remember Gigi (HH Real Live Girl) is in the final stages of bone cancer. She continues to maintain a quality of life with meds but it is becoming even more apparent that the final days are here. About a week ago her half sister (same mother) appeared on the web site as "available" but she was in KS and the load we are to receive is coming from OK. We requested her and were told since the KS dogs were not slated for a haul until April she could not be held for us. Gigi just celebrated her 10th birthday on Sunday it seemed so hopeless...knowing this was Gigi's last birthday and that her sister was stuck in KS with no ride to a waiting rescue group. Then on Monday things started to shift. Emails were flying back and forth and the phone lines were burning. The end result is that somehow HH Pretty Woman will make the OK haul and arrive in Missoula this week end to spend the holidays among family.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Friday, November 2, 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
It is hard to pick a favorite in this group. Of my girls here Elsie is darling with her sweet want to be loved ways. Jewel is a jewel....she loves to play with stuffies. Run is smart as a whip and a bit intense and Hannah is a real beauty and so sweet. Today Hannah had her spay and we decided to have her old injury x-rayed. We were hoping to send the x-ray with her into her new home. But the vets are funny about letting go of them. So I took out my camera phone and took a picture of the x-ray. Everything looks fine and she should enjoy many pain free years. Shultz (Gable Schist) is here. He was banging his tail and injuring it at the kennel so now he is in a plastic crate which we hope will prevent big tail wags which cause bandages to go flying. So far the bandage has stayed on for about 10 hours...that is pretty good for a greyhound tail wrap!! Due to his injury he got bumped from the transport tomorrow. But hopefully he can go soon!! Thursday Elsie, Hannah, Ami, Spark and Herc will head out. Friday there is a ride lined up for Hot Shot and maybe Schultz.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Saturday, October 27, 2007
Tomorrow we will also be getting a different kind of delivery. Two Italian Greyhounds who will be looking for homes. They will not technically be part of our group but since they are cousins some of our greyhound family have offered to help them. Tripps will foster one and I will foster the other. They were found running the streets of Great Falls. They have been described as fearful so may be special needs. We will get them here and evaluate them and hopefully find them nice warm laps.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Monday, October 22, 2007
Judy brought Arlo over to see his brother, Turbo, last night we took some photos. I will post later this eve.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
My greyhound girl, Tigger, will turn 15 next spring. She has developed a new trick that is making us all nuts. When ever she needs something she simply stands up and barks until her little minions come running to wait on her. The scene goes something like this....
Tigger barks a couple of times....I go make sure she is OK then go back to whatever I am doing.
Tigger barks more....I ignore her but Darrin goes to check on her.
Tigger barks more Darrin tells her to be quiet.
Tigger barks more...I go see if another dog has her bed and tell her to go lay down.
Tigger barks more I make sure she isn't too hot or cold.
Tigger barks more...Darrin starts barking (yelling) at me to make her stop.
Tigger barks more....I check her bed again is it fluffy enough and empty.
Tigger barks more I check her water.
Tigger barks more and Darrin barks more.
Tigger barks she hungry or just messing with us?
It has taken us a couple of weeks to catch on to her game. I feel like a bully when I tell her to "PLEASE SHUT UP!!" She has a sweet expectant face.
Tigger just blinks her big eyes at me and barks more.
Tonight I was complaining to Judy about the barking in jest I said "Well she is just too bony to spank". Judy's answer wasn't an answer at all....she said "Isn't it nice that she feels so loved and comfortable to bark after all these years?" SIGH....I better go the princess is barking at me...and I thought I was in charge.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
Chester the birthday boy!!
The icing on the cake is today we celebrate 13 years of life with Chester. He is the cherished companion of Trish in Billings. Remember when we were little we counted every day of our life. We were not just 5 years old we were 5 and a HALF years....because that 6 months made us so much more mature. As dogs age something similar happens. After a dog hits about 12 years we stop counting in whole years. Those 6 month markers some how become as important as back when we were 5. We begin to feel the importance of those cherished months. So today while Chester celebrates 13 years with ice cream....I will celebrate with him and my whole pack will get a dollop of rich creamy yogurt....after all it is Tigger's 14 year and 7 month birthday too.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Tomorrow is homecoming for more than just hounds. It is also Homecoming for the U-of-M Griz...which means hounds will be parading with the best of them in Missoula. If you have the inclination to show off your hound (and who doesn't) get your tennies on and grab your leash!! For more info go to
Last year was a blast!!! The chili was to die for! Unfortunately I won't be able to strut with the rest of you this year...sigh...dumb leg. HOWEVER....on Oct 13th it is Apple Days in Hamilton. The gals at have a booth down there and have suggested that perhaps the greyhounds need to put in an appearance. It will be the last hurrah for the Farmers Market in addition to other events. So you can order your custom collar now and pick it up then. Be sure to check out their many fabric samples...but Irene and Amber always have fabrics that aren't on the the pages. Last collar I bought for Tava a periwinkle blue with glow in the dark lime cool!! They are very accommodating and will help you find the perfect collar for every occasion and every pet.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Monday, September 17, 2007

HAPPY DAY!!! Kissie finally met her match today. She is now home with an experienced greyhound home in Frenchtown. She will have a couple of greyhound brothers and a collie sister. Clarissa and Angel both are hitting the road tomorrow AM. So within 24 hours all three of the girls who have been fostered for weeks are going to be in their HOMES!! I am very excited.
There are 12...count them 12 greyhounds who will board the bus on Friday and start the trek to Montana. Most of them are spoken for!! They will first head to Tripps and be vetted. The following week end they many of them will make the trip to Billings area for placement. Bek has a crazy placement agenda set up. Bek's snowball of enthusiasm has ended up in a avalanche of placements!! I wonder if the paper in Billings would be interested in doing a follow story...hmmm I hope others will take Bek up on her offer to supply info...if anyone wants to get a similar story in the paper in THEIR area. It worked once lets do it again!!
Saturday, September 15, 2007

Angel has a home waiting for her. Robert and his greyhound, Jack, have offered to transport her next week. Kissie is healing and anxious to find a home. And anyone interested in Clarissa will have to meet with foster dad, Dan Tripp's approval. He may be as picky as a daddy on prom night.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Asta (formerly AMF Asp) came out to stay for a few days. She looks faboo!! I had no idea she could be so white and man is she happy and willing to tell you all about it...."Roo roo roo rooooo!!" There is something especially wonderful about seeing these old brood girls make the leap from used up and discarded by the industry to cherished family member. Funny thing about the older dogs, sometimes it is like pulling teeth to get people to cast them a serious look. But it seems their love is sweeter and more addictive than any other. Homes who have taken retired brood girls always want another.
Due to the placement boom going on in Billings more dogs are getting a ticket to ride the big bus to Montana. A couple more weeks should have the foster blog hoppin' again.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Great job to those who helped get it in the paper. I called Bek to tell her I saw the story. She was busy on the phone, swamped with calls related to the article. I do hope some of these calls will bring us some worthy homes for our pups!! Bek said if someone wanted to pursue a similar story in their area she would be happy to share the research and stats she came up with. One of the things about rescue is how easily some one's enthusiasm can be spread. Today the wind under our sails is named, BEK!!
Kissie is on the injured list. She now sports a 5 inch owie on her side that required stitching. two weeks and hopefully she will be as good as new. Always something.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
The other night I am up getting my dose of Sex and the City reruns. My husband and greyhounds are in bed asleep. Izzy my queen Aussie and Katy Did the whippet are relaxing in the mud room. I heard some movement back there but nothing too interesting. Then in a quiet moment between commercials I hear "slap slap" It wasn't loud but it was odd. I got up and scootered (still nursing the tendon) across the kitchen as I am about to round the corner I say "Katy leave it!" Living with a whippet will make you suspicious like that. Katy runs up to the gate really happy and bright eyed which puts me on high alert. I round the corner and everything looks OK but then I notice something white on the floor....then it moves. I shriek,"Katy get back!!" My husband is woke from his slumber and is almost instantly at my side and I tell him to get the dogs in the other room. In his sleep induced haze he starts to herd the dogs into the other room. Leaving my scooter in the dust, I hobble over as fast as I can to look at my poor Pacu fish laying on the carpet. I am not sure what to do since he is big and has teeth, he kind of scares me. Finally I see a plastic bag which I use to scoop him up and put him back in the hair and all. That dang whippet took the feeding lid off the tank and managed to fish Chief Cabrone out of his tank. It was only a 4 inch opening but she managed to get this 10 inch fish out with out spilling a drop of water and only her muzzle was damp. Thankfully her sushi snack survived. He is back in his tank wary, scratched and with a little fin damage but otherwise OK. The following day she stole a small bag of bird seed which she shared with everyone. The result was soft stools for everyone. This week "Whippet" is spoken with the edges of a swear word!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007
On the foster frontier. We are in the process of deciding which and how many dogs to get in on the next load. It will likely be a small load as we currently have 3 dogs waiting. Angel is doing well at the Tripps and has earned house privileges. Carol reports that Angel seems to be coming along nicely. She is relaxing and has been very good with her dogs. Clarissa is still her little immature self. She is insecure and although absolutely sweet she suspects there maybe a boogie man lurking who might swallow her whole. She will grow up one day. Kissie is still Kissie. Fun, bright active and loving as ever. I have been spending time with her in the kennel loose with my dogs large and small. She has been a perfect lady. She has been muzzled when out in a group but so far there hasn't been a need. Kissie stands by me and stares at me. I am sure she wants me to take her muzzle off so she can use her tongue. Kissie is sure I have toes and hands that need kissing. Since I am not able to run to the rescue if something happens she will just have to deal with it. When she is unmuzzled she really loves playing with stuffies and giving kisses kisses kisses. I have promised her one day she will have a basket of stuffies of her own and a family who will never tire of her affection. She is patiently waiting. The smoke has cleared and the days have been mild and sunny....ahhhhhh routine....I like it.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Wednesday I went to Polson. Sherri met me and I picked up Angel. She will now be fostered with Tripps. I was very anxious to get to Polson....good thing we went when we did as a fire up that way has had HWY 93 north closed much of the day today. What was in Polson I needed so badly? Check him out....An Aussie puppy

Monday, August 6, 2007

Today was smokey but thankfully not in the 90's. All the foster dogs are here for a few days. With 5 lovely girls in the foster room it is much like a sorority out there. Judy swung by this afternoon and we removed stitches and did another worming on the fosters. We also did another photo session of the foster dogs.
Here is Kissie and my Niece Emily. Kissie loves hugs and kisses. The other day I was sitting in my chair and I was holding Kissie's leash. All of the sudden she went stiff with full attention. I was a bit alarmed as she was looking near my feet. Her face softened and her tail went crazy and Kissie discovered BARE TOES. I was giggling and trying to get her to stop kissing my little pigs. Thankfully about that time Darrin showed up and Kissie immediately went to him to get a hug and kiss from him. I quickly handed him her leash. He walked her for a moment then stopped to chat with me. At this time Kissie's eyes got big again and her ears went up. She was delighted to discover Darrin had sandals on. Let the kissing begin!!! This girl is a HOOT!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
A couple of days after surgery was the infamous greyhound picnic and auction. I insisted I at least be wheeled out for the auction!! I scored a couple of excellent buys and some of Kathy B.'s incredible red pepper jelly. Reports are that we made some good $$$$ for the pups. I am already looking forward to the picnic next year!
Today was an excellent day here at the kennel. Started by my cousin Paula calling me and giving me a update on her "Wonderful Perfect Boys" or as we know them Timber and Scratchy. She adores them and called to tell me they have relaxed enough to start to play with toys. Just as I was getting off the phone Judy arrived with Dottie to bathe her and get ready to send her home. A bonus was she brought all of the foster dogs over so I got to see Kissy, Clarissa and Oxygen again too. As bathing was wrapping up Joe and Linda arrived to meet Dottie and give her a new name. She is now "Azure Sky Tritchler". This big eyed shy little grey-girl was almost instantly smitten with her new dad and pined when he had to go out to the car for just a second. Azi (Dottie) seemed to know this was HER family. It was great to see Azi head home and to meet Joe and Linda but for me the icing on the cake was seeing Bella Diesel and Chopin again. Bella was social and wonderful as ever. She has a way of strutting around and preening...that girl knows she has the look. I got a rare chance to have a heart to heart with Pannie-my foster grey-boy. When he came here early this year he was so heartbroken...his former family really loved him and it was hard on everyone to let go. Pannie spent many evenings with his head pressed against my chest while I assured him that there would be something else for him....something wonderful. Today Pannie again pressed his head against my chest and this time he assured me the promise I made came true and he again was secure and happy. It was really meaningful to have that time with him. I feel spiritually fed as a foster home. Big thanks to Paula for loving her boys and sharing them with me via phone calls and to Joe and Linda who came the extra mile to Victor to pick up their new girl and to let me see Bella and dear Pannie. Big thanks to all those homes out there who fulfill the promise we make these greyhounds; "Hang on...something wonderful is out there for you!"

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Ozona is on his way home. He was fostered with Bek in Billings for a past few weeks. Sounds like his family are already completely in love with him. Ozona always knew he was a he will be treated like one at last!! Best wishes to him and his family.
The new grey-kids are here. A nice nice bunch of dogs. If you are thinking of adding a dog to you crew ya better call soon. I am sure all of these will be placed quickly.
Kissie was a last moment addition. Carol, Judy and I spent a couple of days trying to talk ourselves out of her. We thought she was cute and we all needed a little pick me up after losing Sam. So Kissie is here to carry on where Sam left off....a party dog to be sure. Her race name was World Class....and truly she is!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
We still would love to find foster homes for a couple of them. Big thanks to Tripps for taking the reins on this one. They will be fostering most of them and overseeing the vet work. I will post pictures soon.
Through no fault of her own, little MTV has been returned. Her owner underestimated the energy of a young greyhound and the group dynamic with her other dogs. MTV is a pretty girl who is a litter sister to Oxygen. She is happy, fun and looooves to be loved. This brings up an interesting observation. Most applications we receive desire a female as young as possible. However the dogs that are the easiest for most folks to integrate into their home are dogs over 4 year and often male. In my memory we have never had a return of a black boy of any age and no older black females either. It is ironic that the hardest dog to place is a black male...double that if he is over 5 year old. Yet that is the very type of dog that really never is returned. Perhaps the reason lays in the fact that the folks at the track realize there are limited homes for black boys and therefore cull more heavily. Perhaps it is because the folks who adopt a black male often are the people who are adopting for more than just superficial reasons. I suspect the answer lies somewhere in between.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Sad news....Sam our foster dog has been limping off and on, which is always a bad sign with a greyhound. His pain seemed chronic and may have been the cause of him lashing out at some of the other foster dogs. Although the xrays were not absolutely conclusive it was safe to assume that he had the beginnings of an bone tumor. Whatever he had seemed to be moving fast as he seemed more uncomfortable each day. The heart wrenching decision was reached to release Sam from his pain. Although Sam's quality of life was diminishing already it is heart breaking to say good bye to such a sweet boy.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007
On another note....Kelso's Will Tell is now adopted and going to be called Lucy. When she was here I rolled her over to remove her stitches and look what I found. Little Lucy has more ink then just her ears. Some smart vet decided to start marking the dogs when he does a spay. I do hope this trend catches on!!

Monday, July 9, 2007
Sunday, July 8, 2007