Thursday, August 23, 2007

Things are pretty quiet around here as of late. Brink, my new aussie puppy is doing wonderful. He is a very sweet pup and I am enjoying him. I can't wait until the day I can start to really work with him. I got my cast off this week...Hallelujah!!! I am in a boot and still not fully weight bearing. I started PT today and hopefully will be able to use my crutches more and in a few weeks WALK.

On the foster frontier. We are in the process of deciding which and how many dogs to get in on the next load. It will likely be a small load as we currently have 3 dogs waiting. Angel is doing well at the Tripps and has earned house privileges. Carol reports that Angel seems to be coming along nicely. She is relaxing and has been very good with her dogs. Clarissa is still her little immature self. She is insecure and although absolutely sweet she suspects there maybe a boogie man lurking who might swallow her whole. She will grow up one day. Kissie is still Kissie. Fun, bright active and loving as ever. I have been spending time with her in the kennel loose with my dogs large and small. She has been a perfect lady. She has been muzzled when out in a group but so far there hasn't been a need. Kissie stands by me and stares at me. I am sure she wants me to take her muzzle off so she can use her tongue. Kissie is sure I have toes and hands that need kissing. Since I am not able to run to the rescue if something happens she will just have to deal with it. When she is unmuzzled she really loves playing with stuffies and giving kisses kisses kisses. I have promised her one day she will have a basket of stuffies of her own and a family who will never tire of her affection. She is patiently waiting. The smoke has cleared and the days have been mild and sunny....ahhhhhh routine....I like it.

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