Tuesday, April 17, 2007

GPA Rocky Mountain lost a real ambassador today. Carol and Dan Tripp had to lay to rest their beloved greyhound boy Sam. He was diagnosed with a bone tumor earlier this year. Tripps knew the clock was ticking but it never makes it easy. Sam was a stunning big white and brindle boy and he knew how to work the crowd at the several meet and greets he attended. If you were lucky enough to be at Tripps in the summer, Sam was happy to share the pool with you. One of the things that made Sam so beautiful was his confidence and his ultimate knowledge of how loved he was. Sam will be greatly missed by all who called him friend.

Also got word that little greyhound Gracie Broeder from Billings was laid to rest last night. SIGH.....I find it a strange coincidence that greyhounds arrive in Montana on a bus in groups and they also seem to pass to the next world in groups. I can't help but wonder if there may be a heavenly bus waiting for them. If so when it is my time to go you will find me at the bus stop.


  1. To the families of Sam and Gracie:

    I am sorrowed for your loss. I pray you will find comfort in the many wonderful and loving memories you hold of your lives together. What more can any of us ask than to be loved until our time comes to leave this world. There are now two more stars shining down from the heavens to light your way and two more sets of wings to caress you on those warm summer nights. Listen with your hearts and you will hear a gentle whisper saying "I love you. Thank you for loving me."

  2. Tony & I were discussing just last night that when our 4 dogs & 1 cat leave us for Home, that we can't go through any more pets... it's just too hard on the heart when they leave. My thoughts & prayers are with both families, along with Wyatt's family and others who have lost loved furry family members recently.

  3. Now Jan....we only pass this way once. Don't protect yourself from love. You will get hurt but in the process you can slurp up as much love as you can hold. It is worth it.
