Friday, April 13, 2007

Today was the first day this week I wasn't doing the greyhound shuffle. It was nice not to have to rush off anywhere this morning. Asta went home and I got a quick report from Mary that things went well her first night home. Mo will be heading out on Sunday....if his family can stand to wait that long :>) The rest of the gang are happily recovering from their vet visits.

I have a confession. I could not remember the name Peachy....and frankly it may be on purpose because "Peachy" makes me get this tickle in the back of my throat like I get right before I am sick. So I have been calling her kind of sounds like Peachy and doesn't cause the gag reflex. Usually I don't even bother changing a name. I used to spend a lot of time shopping for the right name for my aussie rescues, most did not come with names. The more I liked the name the faster it seemed to be changed. So one day in a moment of haste I named this really beautiful aussie girl who was a bit sassy, Zsa Zsa. Sad to say that name stuck. And did I learn my I didn't...Kiki!


  1. Asta's second night went even better than the first! Mike left the radio tuned in at a low volume and a night light on. She really didn't seem to need it.
    She is a delight and it's fun to watch her adapt so quickly to her new home!
    We're working on stairs, a few at a time.
    Thanks for all your kindness to her--and to her new family!

  2. Love the updates, and the pictures. So happy for the new hounds. Condolences to Moxie's family ((hugs)) We've only been in the greyhound community for 3 years, but already I can't remember what life was like without these pups!
